Showing posts with label MODEL PAPERS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MODEL PAPERS. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2011



1. What should come in the place of (?) in the given series?
Ans. (A)
2. Typist : Typewriter : : Writer: ?
(A) Script
(B) Pen
(C) Paper
(D) Book
Ans. (B)
3. Paint: Artist : : Wood: ?
(A) Furniture
(B) Forest
(C) Fire
(D) Carpenter
Ans. (D)
4. acme : mace :: alga: ?
(A) glaa
(B) gaal
(C) laga
(D) gala
Ans. (D)
Ans. (D)
6. ‘Medicine’ is related to ‘Patient’ in the same way as ‘Education’ is
related to—
(A) Teacher
(B) School
(C) Student
(D) Tuition
Ans. (C)
7. Fill in the missing letter in the following series—
S, V, Y, B, ?
(A) C
(B) D
(C) E
Ans. (C)
8. What should come in the place of question mark in the following series?
3, 8, 6, 14, ?, 20
(A) 11
(B) 10
(C) 8
(D) 9
Ans. (D)
9. Select the correct option in place of the question mark.
Ans. (C)
10. What should come in the place of question mark in the following series?
1, 4, 9, 25, 36, ?
(A) 48
(C) 52
(B) 49
(D) 56
Ans. (B)
Directions—(Q. 11 to 14): Select the one which is different from the
other three.
11. (A) Bokaro
(B) Jamshedpur
(C) Bhilai
(D) Agra
Ans. (D)
12. (A) January
(B) February
(C) July
(D) December
Ans. (B)
13. (A) Bible
(B) Panchsheel
(C) Geeta
(D) Quran
Ans. (B)
14. (A) Star
(B) Sun
(C) Sky
(D) Moon
Ans. (C)
Directions—(Q. 15 to 17): based on alphabets.
15. If the sequence of the alphabets is reversed which of the following
would be the 14th letter from your left?
(A) N
(B) L
(C) O
(D) None of these
Ans. (D)
16. Which letter is the 8th letter to the right of the letter, which is
12th from the left?
(A) V
(B) T
(C) W
(D) Y
Ans. (B)
17. Which letter is the 8th letter to the right of the letter which is
10th to the left of the last but one letter from the right?
(A) V
(B) X
(C) W
(D) I
Ans. (C)
Directions—(Q. 18 to 23) Three of the following four are alike in a
certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong
to that group?
18. (A) Green
(B) Red
(C) Colour
(D) Orange
Ans. (C)
19. (A) Rabbit
(B) Crocodile
(C) Earthworm
(D) Snail
Ans. (A)
20. (A) Polo
(B) Chess
(C) Ludo
(D) Carrom
Ans. (A)
21. (A) Sun
(B) Universe
(C) Moon
(D) Star
Ans. (B)
22. (A) Cheese
(B) Milk
(C) Curd
(D) Ghee
Ans. (B)
23. (A) Carrot
(B) Radish
(C) Potato
(D) Brinjal
Ans. (D)
24. In a certain code ‘CONTRIBUTOR’ is written as ‘RTNOCIROTUB’. How is
‘prohibition’ written in that code?
Ans. (D)
25. If ‘CAT’ and ‘BOAT’ are written as XZG and ‘YLZG’ respectively in a
code language how is ‘EGG’ to be written in the same language?
Ans. (C)
26. In a code language SINGER is written as AIBCED then GINGER will be
written in the same code as—
Ans. (B)
27. If BAT is coded as 283, CAT is coded as 383 and ARE is coded as 801,
then the code for BETTER is—
(A) 213310
(B) 213301
(C) 123301
(D) 012334
Ans. (A)
28. If water is called black, black is called tree, tree is called blue,
blue is called rain, rain is called pink and pink is called fish in a
certain language then what is the colour of sky called in that language?
(A) Blue
(B) Fish
(C) Rain
(D) Pink
Ans. (C)
29. A man walks 3 km northwards and then turns left and goes 2 km. He
again turns left and goes 3 km. He turns right and walks straight. In
which direction he is walking now?
(A) East
(B) West
(C) North
(D) South
Ans. (B)
30. One morning after sunrise Vikram and Shailesh were standing in a
lawn with their back towards each other. Vikram’s shadow fell exactly
towards left-hand side. Which direction Shailesh was facing?
(A) East
(B) West
(C) North
(D) South
Ans. (D)
31. Nageena is taller than Pushpa but not as tall as Manish. Rama is
taller than Namita but not as tall as Pushpa. Who among them is the tallest?
(A) Manish
(B) Pushpa
(C) Namita
(D) Nageena
Ans. (A)
32. In an examination Raj got more marks than Moti but not as many as
Meena. Meena got more marks than Ganesh and Rupali. Ganesh got less
marks than Moti but his marks are not the lowest in the group. Who is
second in the descending order of marks?
(A) Meena
(B) Rupali
(C) Raj
(D) None of these
Ans. (C)
33. Pointing to a photograph of a girl, Rajan said “She has no sister or
daughter but her mother is the only daughter of my mother.” How is the
girl in the photograph related with Rajan’s mother?
(A) Sister in law
(B) Grand daughter
(C) Daughter in law
(D) None of these
Ans. (B)
34. If Amit’ s father is Billoo’ s father’s only son and Billoo has
neither a brother nor a daughter. What is the relationship between Amit
and Billoo?
(A) Uncle—Nephew
(B) Father—Daughter
(C) Father—Son
(D) Grandfather—Grandson
Ans. (C)
35. An application was received by inward clerk in the afternoon of a
weekday. Next day he forwarded it to the table of the senior clerk, who
was on leave that day. The senior clerk next day evening put up the
application to the desk officer. Desk officer studied the application
and disposed off the matter on the same day, i.e., Friday. Which day the
application was received by the inward clerk?
(A) Tuesday
(B) Earlier week’s Saturday
(C) Wednesday
(D) Monday
Ans. (C)
36. Flight to Mumbai leaves every 5 hours. At the information counter I
learnt that the flight took off 25 minutes before. If the time now is 10
: 45 a.m., what is the time for the next flight?
(A) 2 : 20 a.m.
(B) 3 : 30 a.m.
(C) 3 : 55 p.m.
(D) 3 : 20 p.m.
Ans. (D)
37. Babloo ranked 16th from the top and 29th from the bottom among those
who passed an examination. 6 boys did not participate in the competition
and 5 failed in the examination. How many boys were there in the class?
(A) 44
(B) 40
(C) 50
(D) 55
Ans. (D)
38. Indra is 7th from the left and Jaya is 5th from the right. When they
interchange their position Jaya becomes 19th from the right. What is
Indra’s position from the left?
(A) 21st
(B) 19th
(C) 23rd
(D) 20th
Ans. (D)
39. How many 5’s are in the following sequence of numbers which are
immediately preceded by 7?
8 9 5 3 2 5 3 8 5 5 6 8 7 3 3 5 7 7 5 3 6 5 3 3 5 7 3 8
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four
Ans. (A)
40. How many 8’s are there in the following sequence which are
immediately preceded by 6 but not immediately followed by 5?
6 8 5 7 8 5 4 3 6 8 1 9 8 5 4 6 8 2 9 6 8 1 3 6 8 5 3 6
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four
Ans. (C)
41. If EARTHQUAKE is coded as MOGPENJOSM then EQUATE will be coded as—
Ans. (D)
42. If COUNTRY is coded in certain way as EMWLVPA, ELECTORATE will be coded
in the same manner as—
Ans. (D)
43. ‘Air’ is to ‘Bird’ as ‘Water’ is to ……..
(A) Drink
(B) Fish
(C) Wash
(D) Swim
Ans. (B)
44. ‘Pencil’ is to ‘Write’ as ‘Knife’ is to ………
(A) Injure
(B) Peel
(C) Prick
(D) Attack
Ans. (B)
45. Mohan is 18th from either end of a row of boys ? How many boys are
there in that row?
(A) 26
(B) 32
(C) 24
(D) 35
Ans. (D)
46. In a class of 60 where boys are twice that of girls, Ramya ranked
17th from the top. If there are 9 boys ahead of Ramya, how many girls
are after her in the rank?
(A) 26
(B) 12
(C) 10
(D) 33
Ans. (B)
47. ‘Soldier’ is related to ‘Army’ in the same way as ‘Pupil’ is related
to …….
(A) Education
(B) Teacher
(C) Student
(D) Class
Ans. (D)
48. ‘Kilogram’ is related to ‘Quintal’ in the same way as ‘Paisa’ is
related to………
(A) Coin
(B) Money
(C) Cheque
(D) Rupee
Ans. (D)
49. ‘Stammering’ is to ‘Speech’ as Deafness is to …………
(A) Ear
(B) Hearing
(C) Noise
(D) Commotion
Ans. (B)
50. ‘Guilt’ is to ‘Past’ as ‘Hope’ is to …………
(A) Present
(B) Future
(C) Today
(D) Hopeless
Ans. (B)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

SSC Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) Exam Model Paper

Directions (Qs. 1 to 8) : In these questions, select the related letters/ words/ numbers/figures from the given alternatives.

1. Taste : Tongue : : Walk : ?
(a) Pavement
(b) Crutch
(c) Legs
(d) Walking stick
Ans: ( c ) Legs

2. CHIMNEY : SMOKE : : ______ : ______
(a) Gun : Bullet
(b) House : Roof
(c) Clay : Ceramic
(d) Tea : Kettle
Ans: ( a ) Gun : Bullet

3. DCHG : LIKQP : : FEJI : ?
(a) MLSR
(b) NMRQ
(c) ONTS
(d) QPUT
Ans: ( None )

4. CAD : FDG : : XZW : ?
(a) IQJ
(b) CAD
(c) ZBY
(d) UWT
Ans: ( d ) UWT

5. 5 : 124 : : 7 : ?
(a) 342
(b) 343
(c) 248
(d) 125
Ans: ( a ) 342

6. 3265 : 4376 : : 4673 : ?
(a) 2154
(b) 5487
(c) 3562
(d) 5784
Ans: ( d ) 5784

Directions (Qs. 7 to 12) : In these questions, select the response which is different from the other three responses.

7. (a) Telephone
(b) Tape-Recorder
(c) Transistor
(d) Telescope
Ans: ( d ) Telescope

8. (a) Glue
(b) Oil
(c) Paste
(d) Cement
Ans: ( b ) Oil

9. (a) XZUS
(b) OQLJ
(c) HJFE
(d) FHCA
Ans: ( c ) HJFE

10. (a) KNPS
(b) RUWZ
(c) MPRU
(d) PRSU
Ans: ( d ) PRSU

11. (a) 26 ? 62
(b) 36 ? 63
(c) 46 ? 64
(d) 56 ? 18
Ans: ( d ) 56 ? 18

12. (a) 6958
(b) 7948
(c) 6895
(d) 9783
Ans: ( d ) 9783

Directions (Qs. 13) : In this question, which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it ?

13. m__nm__n__an__a__ma__
(a) amammn
(b) aammnn
(c) ammanm
(d) aamnan
Ans: ( b ) aammnn

Directions (Qs. 14 to 17) : In these questions, a series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

14. A, c, f, j, ?, ?
(a) ou
(b) mo
(c) lp
(d) rv
Ans: ( a ) ou

15. QYK, ?, ISG, EPE
(a) NWJ
(b) MVI
(c) NVI
(d) MVJ
Ans: ( b ) MVI

16. 10, 22, 46, 94 ?
(a) 180
(b) 184
(c) 190
(d) 140
Ans: ( c ) 190

17. 110, 132, 156, ?, 210
(a) 162
(b) 172
(c) 182
(d) 192
Ans: ( c ) 182

Directions (Qs. 18 to 22) : In these questions, which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following words?

18. (1) Book (2) Words
(3) Letters (4) Sentences
(5) Chapters (6) Pages
(a) 3 2 6 5 4 1
(b) 3 2 5 4 6 1
(c) 3 2 4 5 6 1
(d) 3 2 4 6 5 1
Ans: ( d ) 3 2 4 6 5 1

19. (1) Probation (2) Interview
(3) Selection (4) Appointment
(5) Advertisement (6) Application
(a) 5 6 4 2 3 1
(b) 5 6 3 2 4 1
(c) 5 6 2 3 4 1
(d) 6 5 4 2 3 1
Ans: ( c ) 5 6 2 3 4 1

20. If E = 5, PEN = 35, then PAGE = ?
(a) 28
(b) 29
(c) 36
(d) 27
Ans: ( b ) 29

21. If he word ?PORTER? can be coded as ?MBNZQN?, then how can ?REPORT? be written?
Ans: ( a ) NQMBNZ

22. In a certain code, the words ?COME AT ONCE? were written as XLNVZGLMXV. In the same code which of the following would be ?OK? ?
(a) LM
(b) LP
(c) KM
(d) KL
Ans: ( b ) LP

Directions (Qs. 23) : In this question, you have to identify the correct response from the given premises stated according to following symbols.

23. If ?+? means ?minus?, ?-? means ?multiplication?, ?¸?
means ?plus? and ?x? means ?division, then15 ? 3 + 10 x 5 ¸ 5 =
(a) 52
(b) 48
(c) 22
(d) 5
Ans: ( b ) 48

Directions (Qs. 25) : From the given alternative words select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word.

25. Given word : ADMINISTRATION
Ans: ( c ) MINISTER

Numerical Aptitude

1. The next number of the sequence 51, 52, 56, 65…… is?
a. 75 b. 78 c. 79 d. 81
Ans. d

2. a’s salary is 25% more than b’s salary. B’s salary is how much less than a’s salary?
a.20 % b. 24% c. 25% d. 30%
Ans. A

3. the single discount, which is equivalent to successive discounts of 25% and 10% is
a. 35 b. 32 c. 33 d. 32.5
Ans. D

4. if 2A=3B=4C Then A:B:C is
a. 2:3:4
b. 4:3:2
c. 6:4:3
d. non of above
Ans. c

5. 114.01 + 222.01 + ? = 400
1. 63.98
2. 43.78
3. 736.02
4. -53.98

6. The difference between the circumference and the radius of a circle is 37 cm (use p = 22 / 7). The diameter of the circle is
1. 7 cm
2. 14 cm
3. 33 cm
4. 37 cm

7. The LCM of two multiples of 12 is 1056. If one of the numbers is 132, the other number should be
1. 12
2. 72
3. 96
4. Data inadequate

8. The average of seven results is 5; the average of first three is 3, and that of the last three is 7. The fourth result is
1. 6
2. 5
3. 4
4. 3

9. A man walking at the speed of 4 kmph crosses a square field diagonally in 3 minutes. The area of the field is
1. 20000 sq m
2. 25000 sq m
3. 18000 sq m
4. 19000 sq m

10. The area of a rectangular field is 144 sq m. If the length is increased by 5 m, its area increases by 40 sq m. The length of the field is
1. 12 m
2. 14.4 m
3. 16 m
4. 18 m

11. A, B and C are partners and make a profit of Rs. 4800 which is distributed among them in the ratio 6:5:4. The difference of the amounts A and C received is
1. Rs. 640
2. Rs. 1290
3. Rs. 1280
4. Rs. 1600

12. A, B, & C enter into a partnership with investments in the ratio 3:4:9. If at the end of the year, B’s share of profit is Rs. 6175, what is the total profit?
1. Rs. 24300
2. Rs. 24600
3. Rs. 24700
4. Rs. 24100

13. X and Y enter into a partnership. X contributes Rs. 8000 and Y contributes Rs. 10000. At the end of six months they introduce Z, who contributes Rs. 6000. After the lapse of three years, they find that the firm has made a profit of Rs. 9660. Find the share of each.(in Rs.)
1. X-3240, Y-4200, Z-2200
2. X-3360, Y-4400, Z-2100
3. X-3360, Y-4200, Z-2100
4. 3260, Y-4000, Z-2200

14. Umedh Singh and Zorawar Singh invested in a business. They earned some profit which they divided in the ratio 2:3. If Umedh Singh invested Rs. 24, the amount invested by Zorawar Singh was
1. Rs. 36
2. Rs. 16
3. Rs. 30
4. Rs. 48

15. Abdul and Aamir invest respectively Rs. 30000 and Rs. 40000 in a business. Abdul receives Rs. 100 per month out of the profit for running the business and the rest of the profit is divided in proportion to the investments. If in a year Abdul totally receives Rs. 3900, what does Aamir receive?
1. Rs. 3500
2. Rs. 3600
3. Rs. 3900
4. Rs. 4200

16. 7 women and 6 men can do what 4 men and 11 women can do in the same time. 19 women can do the same job in how much time?
1. Same
2. Half
3. One-third
4. Two-third

17. If A can walk a certain distance in 40 days when he takes rest 9 hours each day; how much long will he take to walk the same distance twice as fast and rest twice as long each day?
1. 50 days
2. 45 days
3. 38 days
4. 16 days

18. If 20 men or 25 women or 30 boys can do a piece of work in 16 days by working 10 hours a day, then how many men with 10 women and 18 boys can do 3 ¼ times the same work in 26 days by working 8 hours daily?
1. 35 men
2. 30 men
3. 40 men
4. 48 men

19. Some persons can do a job in 12 days. Two times the number of those persons will do half of that job in
1. 6 days
2. 4 days
3. 12 days
4. 3 days

20. 400 men working 9 hrs a day complete ¼ th of the work in 10 days. The number of additional men, working 8 hrs a day, required to done the remaining work in 20 days is
1. 675
2. 275
3. 250
4. 225

21. 25% of 240 will be how much more than 33.33% of 180?
1. 5
2. 10
3. 6
4. Nil

22. 350% of a number is what percent of 250% of that number?
1. 40%
2. 44%
3. 140%
4. 71%

23. If the length of a rectangle is increased by 20% and the width decreased by 20%, the area of the rectangle will
1. Decrease by 4%
2. Increase by 4%
3. Decrease by 1%
4. Not change at all

24. A shopkeeper increases the price of a commodity by 25% and again increases it by 20%. The net percent increase is
1. 45%
2. 40%
3. 50%
4. 47%

25. The cost of a pant is 60% of the cost of a coat and 300% of the cost of a shirt. If all three cost Rs. 2160, the cost of the shirt will be
1. Rs. 290
2. Rs. 280
3. Rs. 360
4. Rs. 240

General Knowledge (G.K)

1. Which of the following countries is a land locked country in south America?
a. Ecuador
b. Peru
c. Uruguay
d. Bolivia
Ans : d

2. Canary Islands belongs to
a. Norway
b. Spain
c. New Zealand
d. Portugal
Ans : b

3. Titan is the largest natural satellite of planet
a. Mercury
b. Venus
c. Saturn
d. Neptune
Ans : c

4. Which of the following planets rotates clock wise?
a. Pluto
b. Jupiter
c. Venus
d. Mercury
Ans : c

5. A difference of 1 degree in longitude at the Equator is equivalent to nearly
a. 101 km
b. 111 km
c. 121 km
d. 125 km
Ans : b

6. The earliest known Indian script is
a. Mori
b. Devanagari
c. Brahmi
d. Kharosti
Ans : c

7. How many times the preamble was amended
a. once
b. twice
c. thrice
d. four times
Ans : a

8. The term socialist was added in the Preamble by the…amendment
a. 40th
b. 42nd
c. 44th
d. 49th
Ans : b

9. The state with the lowest population in India is
a. Goa
b. Tripura
c. Mizoram
d. Sikkim
Ans : d

10. Which person or organisation received the Nobel Prize three times so far?
a. Medame Curie
b. Linus Pauling
c. Alexender Flemming
d. International Committee of the Redcross
Ans : d

11. The Finance Commission is appointed for every… year
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
Ans : c

12. Under which five year plan did agriculture show a negative growth?
a. 1st plan
b. 2nd plan
c. 3rd plan
d. 4th plan
Ans : c

13. Who is the founder of the Capital city of Agra?
a. Akbar
b. Babar
c. Sikinder Lodi
d. Mubarak Shah Sayyad
Ans: c

14. The first tide generated electricity project was established at
a. Vizhinjam, Kerala
b. Mangalore, Karnataka
c. Paradeep, Orissa
d. Vishakapattanam
Ans : a

15. National Institute of Oceanography is located in :
a. Calcutta
b. Chennai
c. Mangalore
d. Panaji
Ans : d

16. The 2004 Olympics were held in :
a. Bangkok
b. Rome
c. Athens
d. Nagasaki
Ans : c

17. Who headed the committee appointed on Kargil War ?
a. Gen. V. P. Malik
b. Gen. S. K. Sinha
c. K. Subramanyam
d. K. C. Panth
Ans : c

18. The C. K. Nayudu Trophy is related to the sport of
a. cricket
b. Hockey
c. Football
d. Chess
Ans : a

19. New York is situated on the river
a. Hudson
b. Thames
c. Danube
d. Tigris
Ans : a

20. “The Woman of the Millennium” selected by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is
a. Margaret Thacher
b. Hillary Clinton
c. Chandrika Kumaratunga
d. Indira Gandhi
Ans : d

21. The General Assembly of United Nations meets
a. Once a year
b. twice a year
c. thrice a year
d. Once in five years
Ans : a

22. The “Common Wealth Games 2002? will be held in
a. Toranto
b. Manchester
c. Tokyo
d. Canberra
Ans : b

23. All India Radio commenced operations in
a. 1926
b. 1936
c. 1945
d. 1947
Ans : b

24. The “Killer Instinct” is written by
a. Sulakshan Mohan
b. M.K.Santanam
c. O.P.Sabharwal
d. Subash Jain
Ans : c

25. The Secretary-General of UN is appointed by the
a. Security Council
b. Trusteeship Council
c. General Assembly
d. World Bank
Ans : c

26. Postal Voting is other wise called:
a. external voting
b. secret voting
c. plural voting
d. proxy voting
Ans : d

27. The Common Wealth of Independent states (CIS) consists of….republica?
a. 10
b. 11
c. 12
d. 13
Ans : c

28. Which of the following harbours is considered as the world’s finest natural harbour?
a. Sydney harbour
b. Toronto harbour
c. New Jersy harbour
d. Singapore harbour
Ans : a

29. Who invented Radar?
a. Henrey Backquerel
b. Max Planck
c. Robert Watson Watt
d. Humphrey Davy
Ans : c

30. Sandal Wood trees are mostly found in…
a. Trophical Evergreen Forests
b. Tropical most Decidous
c. Alpine forests
d. Trophical Thorn Forests
Ans : d

31. The first country to legalise medically assisted suicide is
a. Switzerland
b. New Zealand
c. USA
d. Netherlands
Ans : d

32. The tomb of Babur is at
a. Kabul
b. Lahore
c. Multan
d. Larkhana
Ans : a

33. The joint session of the two houses is presided by
a. the speaker
b. the president
c. chairman of Rajyasabha
d. none of these
Ans : a

34. The Gandhara school of Art was influenced most by the
a. Greeks
b. Shakas
c. persians
d. Kushans
Ans : a

35. The Simon Commission was appointed in
a. 1927
b. 1928
c. 1929
d. 1930
Ans : c

36. Sikkim became a full fledged state of the Indian Union, in the year ?
a. 1972
b. 1973
c. 1974
d. 1975
Ans : d

37. Who is the founder of Mahabalipuram ?
a. Rajaraja Chola
b. Mahendra Varman
c. Narsimha Varman
d. Narsimha Chola
Ans : c

38. The 189th member of United Nations is
a. Palau
b. Tuvalu
c. Soloman Islands
d. Nauru
Ans : b

39. When was Burma separated from India
a. 1947
b. 1942
c. 1937
c. 1932
Ans : c

40. Which of the following country has more than 55,000 lakes?
a. Poland
b. Denmark
c. Finland
d. Norway
Ans : c

41. OVL implies:
(1) Oil discovery organ of ONGC
(2) A new species of virus
(3) A term used in One Day Cricket
(4) A new banking company
Ans :

42. Which of the following involves chemical change?
(1) Rusting of iron
(2) Burning of wood -
(3) Reduction of wood
(4) All the three
Ans : d

43. Which of the following cave paintings is the oldest?
(1) Bhimbetka
(2) Ellora
(3) Ajanta
(4) Chittnnavasal
Ans : c

44. Leprosy has been eliminated from India, as:
(1) There was no cae of leprosy in 2005
(2) World Health Organization (WHO) has declared so
(3) The current rate of Incidence has been reduced by 1 out of 10,000
(4) All the patients have been identified for treatment
Ans : c

45. The major producer of cardamom in India is
(1) Kerala
(2) Tamil Nadu
(3) Karnataka
Ans : a

46. Which of the following is a submarine of the Indian Navy?
(1) INS Virat
(2) INS Sindhurakshk
(3) INS Rajali
(4) INS Vikrãnt
Ans : b

47. Which of the following Indian classical dances derived its name from the name of place of its origin?
(1) Manipuri
(2) Kathkali
(3) Odissi
(4) Kuchipudi
Ans :

48. Who among the following has been created record in aviation history for the longest uninterrupted flight?
(2) Ratan Tata
(3) Vijay pat Singhania
(4) Steve Fosset
Ans : c

49. Which of the following countries is not a member of G — 8?
(1) Russia
(2) Britain
(3) Spain
(4) Canada
Ans : c

50. Who was the first woman Prime Minister in the world?
(1) Indira Gandhi
(2) Srlmao Bhandarnayake
(3) Margaret Thatcher
(4) Benzlr Bhutto

Ans : b