Saturday, August 30, 2014


1. India attained ‘Dominion Status’ on—
(A) 15th January, 1947
(B) 15th August, 1947
(C) 15th August, 1950
(D) 15th October, 1947
Ans : (B)
2. Despotism is possible in a—
(A) One party state
(B) Two party state
(C) Multi party state
(D) Two and multi party state
Ans : (A)
3. Marx belonged to—
(A) Germany
(B) Holland
(C) France
(D) Britain
Ans : (A)
4. Which one of the following is the guardian of Fundamental Rights ?
(A) Legislature
(B) Executive
(C) Political parties
(D) Judiciary
Ans : (D)
5. Sarkaria Commission was concerned with—
(A) Administrative Reforms
(B) Electoral Reforms
(C) Financial Reforms
(D) Centre-State relations
Ans : (D)
6. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha has to address his/her letter of resignation to—
(A) Prime Minister of India
(B) President of India
(C) Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha
(D) Minister of Parliamentary Affairs
Ans : (C)
7. A want becomes a demand only when it is backed by the—
(A) Ability to purchase
(B) Necessity to buy
(C) Desire to buy
(D) Utility of the product
Ans : (D)
8. The terms ‘Micro Economics’ and ‘Macro Economics’ were coined by—
(A) Alfred Marshall
(B) Ragner Nurkse
(C) Ragner Frisch
(D) J.M. Keynes
Ans : (C)
9. During period of inflation, tax rates should—
(A) Increase
(B) Decrease
(C) Remain constant
(D) Fluctuate
Ans : (A)
10. Which is the biggest tax paying sector in India ?
(A) Agriculture sector
(B) Industrial sector
(C) Transport sector
(D) Banking sector
Ans : (D)
11. “Economics is what it ought to be.”—This statement refers to—
(A) Normative economics
(B) Positive economics
(C) Monetary economics
(D) Fiscal economics
Ans : (A)
12. The excess of price a person is to pay rather than forego the consumption of the commodity is called—
(A) Price
(B) Profit
(C) Producers’ surplus
(D) Consumers’ surplus
Ans : (C)
13. Silver halides are used in photographic plates because they are—
(A) Oxidised in air
(B) Soluble in hyposolution
(C) Reduced by light
(D) Totally colourless
Ans : (B)
14. Tetra Ethyl Lead (TEL) is—
(A) A catalyst in burning fossil fuel
(B) An antioxidant
(C) A reductant
(D) An antiknock compound
Ans : (D)
15. Curie point is the temperature at which—
(A) Matter becomes radioactive
(B) A metal loses magnetic properties
(C) A metal loses conductivity
(D) Transmutation of metal occurs
Ans : (D)
16. The isotope used for the production of atomic energy is—
(A) U-235
(B) U-238
(C) U-234
(D) U-236
Ans : (A)
17. The acceleration due to gravity at the equator—
(A) Is less than that at the poles
(B) Is greater than that at the poles
(C) Is equal to that at the poles
(D) Does not depend on the earth’s centripetal acceleration
Ans : (A)
18. Which of the following is not a nucleon ?
(A) Proton
(B) Neutron
(C) Electron
(D) Positron
Ans : (C)
19. The material used in the manufacture of lead pencil is—
(A) Graphite
(B) Lead
(C) Carbon
(D) Mica
Ans : (A)
20. Angle of friction and angle of repose are—
(A) Equal to each other
(B) Not equal to each other
(C) Proportional to each other
(D) None of the above
Ans : (A)
21. Processor’s speed of a computer is measured in—
(C) Baud
(D) Hertz
Ans : (D)
22. ‘C’ language is a—
(A) Low level language
(B) High level language
(C) Machine level language
(D) Assembly level language
Ans : (B)
23. What happens to a person who receives the wrong type of blood ?
(A) All the arteries constrict
(B) All the arteries dialates
(C) The RBCs agglutinate
(D) The spleen and lymphnodes deteriorate
Ans : (C)
24. NIS stands for—
(A) National Infectious diseases Seminar
(B) National Irrigation Schedule
(C) National Immunisation Schedule
(D) National Information Sector
Ans : (C)
25. If all bullets could not be removed from gun shot injury of a man, it may cause poisoning by—
(A) Mercury
(B) Lead
(C) Iron
(D) Arsenic
Ans : (B)
26. Ringworm is a ……… disease.
(A) Bacterial
(B) Protozoan
(C) Viral
(D) Fungal
Ans : (D)
27. Pituitary gland is situated in—
(A) The base of the heart
(B) The base of the brain
(C) The neck
(D) The abdomen
Ans : (B)
28. Who discovered cement ?
(A) Agassit
(B) Albertus Magnus
(C) Joseph Aspdin
(D) Janseen
Ans : (C)
29. According to RBI’s Report on the trend and progress of banking, the Non-performing Assets (NPA’s) in India for 2008-09 for Indian Banks in 2008 have stood at—
(A) 2•3 per cent
(B) 2•6 per cent
(C) 3•5 per cent
(D) 5•2 per cent
Ans : (B)
30. Windows 7, the latest operating system from Microsoft Corporation has ……… Indian languages fonts.
(A) 14
(B) 26
(C) 37
(D) 49
Ans : (B)
31. TRIPS and TRIMS are the terms associated with—
Ans : (B)
32. A Presidential Ordinance can remain in force—
(A) For three months
(B) For six months
(C) For nine months
(D) Indefinitely
Ans : (B)
33. Which of the following Indonesian regions was a victim of massive earthquake in 2004 ?
(A) Irian Jaya
(B) Sumatra
(C) Kalibangan
(D) Java
Ans : (B)
34. The first nonstop airconditioned ‘DURANTO’ train was flagged off between—
(A) Sealdah—New Delhi
(B) Mumbai—Howrah
(C) Bangalore—Howrah
(D) Chennai—New Delhi
Ans : (A)
35. Which among the following agencies released the report, Economic Outlook for 2009-10 ?
(A) Planning Commission
(B) PM’s Economic Advisory Council
(C) Finance Commission
(D) Reserve Bank of India
Ans : (B)
36. India and U.S. have decided to finalize agreements related to which of the following ?
(A) Trade and Investment
(B) Intellectual Property
(C) Traditional Knowledge
(D) All of the above
Ans : (D)
37. Which one of the following states does not form part of Narmada River basin ?
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Gujarat
(D) Maharashtra
Ans : (B)
38. Which of the following countries has recently become the third largest market for Twitter ?
(A) China
(B) India
(C) Brazil
(D) Indonesia
Ans : (A)
39. The exchange of commodities between two countries is referred as—
(A) Balance of trade
(B) Bilateral trade
(C) Volume of trade
(D) Multilateral trade
Ans : (B)
40. Soil erosion on hill slopes can be checked by—
(A) Afforestation
(B) Terrace cultivation
(C) Strip cropping
(D) Contour ploughing
Ans : (A)
41. Who coined the word ‘Geography’ ?
(A) Ptolemy
(B) Eratosthenese
(C) Hecataus
(D) Herodatus
Ans : (B)
42. Which of the following is called the ‘ecological hot spot of India’ ?
(A) Western Ghats
(B) Eastern Ghats
(C) Western Himalayas
(D) Eastern Himalayas
Ans : (A)
43. The art and science of map making is called—
(A) Remote Sensing
(B) Cartography
(C) Photogrammetry
(D) Mapping
Ans : (B)
44. The age of the Earth can be determined by—
(A) Geological Time Scale
(B) Radio-Metric Dating
(C) Gravity method
(D) Fossilization method
Ans : (B)
45. The monk who influenced Ashoka to embrace Buddhism was—
(A) Vishnu Gupta
(B) Upa Gupta
(C) Brahma Gupta
(D) Brihadratha
Ans : (B)
46. The declaration that Democracy is a Government ‘of the people, by the people; for the people’ was made by—
(A) George Washington
(B) Winston Churchill
(C) Abraham Lincoln
(D) Theodore Roosevelt
Ans : (C)
47. The Lodi dynasty was founded by—
(A) Ibrahim Lodi
(B) Sikandar Lodi
(C) Bahlol Lodi
(D) Khizr Khan
Ans : (C)
48. Harshavardhana was defeated by—
(A) Prabhakaravardhana
(B) Pulakesin II
(C) Narasimhavarma Pallava
(D) Sasanka
Ans : (B)
49. Who among the following was an illiterate ?
(A) Jahangir
(B) Shah Jahan
(C) Akbar
(D) Aurangazeb
Ans : (C)
50. Which Governor General is associated with Doctrine of Lapse ?
(A) Lord Ripon
(B) Lord Dalhousie
(C) Lord Bentinck
(D) Lord Curzon
Ans : (B)

General Awareness Practice Questions

1. The common tree species in Nilgiri Hills is:
Answer: Eucalyptus.
2. Loktak is a ____?
(D)Mountain Range
Answer: Lake, in Manipur .
3. Which city receives the highest cosmic radiation amongst the following.
Answer: New Delhi.
4. First Indian Prime Minister to visit Siachen was ?
(A)Rajiv Gandhi
(B)Inder Kumar Gujaral
(C)Mammohan Singh
(D)None of them
Answer: Manmohan Singh
5. Which of the following books has been written by Kishwar Desai?
(A)The Red Devil
(B)Witness the night
(C)Tonight this Savage Rite
(D)Earth and Ashes
Answer: Witness the Night.
6. Which of the following folk / tribal dances is associated with Karnataka?
Answer: Yakshagana
7. Who of the following received the Sangeet Natak Academi’s Ustad Bismillah Khan Puraskar for 2009 in theatre?
(A)Omkar Shrikant Dadarkar
(B)Ragini chander sarkar
(C)Abanti Chakraborty and Sukracharjya Rabha
(D)K Nellai Maniknandan
Answer: Abanti Chakraborty and Sukracharjya Rabha
8. Which of the following country did not win any of the FIFA cup in 2002, 2006 and 2010?
(D)South Africa
Answer: South Africa
9. Who invented vaccination for small pox?
(A)Sir Frederick Grant Banting
(B)Sir Alexander Fleming
(C)Edward Jenner
(D)Loius Pasteur
Answer: Edward Jenner
10. Who was the first Indian to become the member of British parliament?
(A)Bankim Chandra Chaterjee
(B)W C Banerjee
(C)Dadabhai Naoroji
(D)None of the above
Answer: Dadabhai Naoroji
11. The purchase of shares and bonds of Indian companies by Foreign Institutional Investors is called?
(B)Portfolio Investment
(C)NRI Investment
(D)Foreign Indirect Investment
Answer: Investment in securities, funds, by FII is Foreign Indirect Investment
12. BT Seed is associated with which among the following?
(D)Oil Seeds
Answer: Cotton
13. The headquarters of International Atomic Energy Agency is in ?
Answer: Vienna
14. In the Budget estimates of 2011-12, an allocation of Rs. 400 Crore has been made to bring in second green revolution in East in the rice based cropping system of ____?
(A)Assam and West Bengal
(B)Assam, West Bengal, Odisha, Bihar & Jharkhand
(C)Assam, West Bengal, Odisha, Bihar
(D)Assam, West Bengal, Odisha, Bihar, Jharkhand , Eastern Uttar Pradesh and
Answer: Assam, West Bengal, Orissa, Bihar, Jharkhand, Eastern Uttar Pradesh and Chattisgarh.
15. In the Budget 2011-12, presented by the Finance Minister on 28.2.2011, the income tax limit for senior citizens has been increased to ?
(A)Rs. 2.50 Lakh
(B)Rs. 2.60 Lakh
(C)Rs. 2.80 Lakh
(D)Rs. 3.00 Lakh
Answer: Rs. 2.50 Lakh. Above 80, its 5 Lakh
16. If the Anglo Indian community does not get adequate representation in the Lok Sabha, two members of the community can be nominated by:
(A)Prime Minister
(D)President in consultation with Parliament
Answer: President
17. For the election of President of India, a citizen should have completed the age of___?
(A)25 Years
(B)35 Years
(C)30 Years
(D)18 Years
Answer: 35 Years
18. Who said: “Good citizen makes a good state and bad citizen makes a bad state”?
Answer: Aristotle
19. Member of parliament will lose his membership if he is continuously absent from sessions for
(A)45 days
(B)60 days
(C)90 days
(D)365 days
Answer: 60 Days
20. In Indian , Residuary Powers are vested in ___?
(A)Union Government
(B)State Government
(C)Both Union and State Government
(D)Local Government
Answer: Union Government
21. Mention the place where Buddha attained enlightment?
Answer: Bodhgaya
22. Coronation of Shivaji took place in which year?
Answer: 6 June 1674
23. The system of Dyarchy was introduced in ___?
Answer: 1919, Government of India Act 1919 had introduced the system of Dyarchy to govern the provinces of British India.
24. The editor of Young India and Harijan was ____?
(C)Mahatma Gandhi
(D)Subhash Chandra Bose
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi
25. Who of the following attended all the three round table conferences?
(A)B R Ambedkar
(B)M M Malviya
(C)Vallabh Bhai Patel
(D)Mahatma Gandhi
Answer: B R Ambedkar.
26. Which is the largest living bird on Earth?
(D)Siberian Crane
Answer: Ostrich
27. Rihand Dam project provides irrigation to ____?
(A)Gujarat & Maharastra
(B)Odisha and West Bengal
(C)Uttar Pradesh and Bihar
(D)Kerala and Karnataka
Answer: C
28. The Headquarters of MCF (Master Control Facility) is
(C)Sri Harikota
Answer: Hassan , Now Bhopal also.
29. Which is the longest irrigation canal in India?
(A)Sir hind Canal
(B)Yamuna Canal
(C)Indira Gandhi Canal
(D)East Kosi Canal
Answer: Indira Gandhi Canal
30. Which one of the following minerals is found in Monazite Sand?
Answer: Thorium
31. Which plant is called ‘Herbal Indian Doctor” ?
Answer: Amla
32. In Coriander, useful parts are?
(A)Roots and leaves
(B)leaves and flowers
(C)leaves and dried fruits
(D)flowers and dried fruits
Answer: leaves and dried fruits
33. The pH of Human Blood is ___?
Answer: 7.4
34. Which among the following is the largest endocrine gland of country?
Answer: Thyroid
35. Which amongst the following is the largest mammal?
Answer: Whale (Blue Whale).
36. Which part becomes modified as the tusk of elephant?
(C)Second Incisor
Answer: second upper incisors
37. Optical fibres are based upon the phenomenon of which of the following?
(D)Total Internal Reflection
Answer: Total Internal Reflection
38. Now a days, Yellow lamps are frequently used as street lights. Which among the following gases, is used in these lamps?
Answer: Sodium
39. Mirage is an example of ____?
(A)Refraction of light
(B)Total Internal Reflection of Light
(C)Refraction and Total Internal Reflection of Light
(D)Dispersion of Light
Answer: Refraction and Total Internal Reflection of Light
40. The phenomenon of light associated with the appearance of blue color of sky is?
Answer: Scattering
41. In which of the following areas, spreadsheet software is more useful?
(D)Message sending
Answer: Statistics
42. A Groupware is a
Answer: Groupware is collaborative software . Correct option B
43. Lens is made up of ___?
(A)Pyrex Glass
(B)Flint Glass
(C)Ordinary Glass
(D)Cobalt Glass
Answer: Flint glass
44. The element which is used for vulcanizing rubber is?
Answer: Sulfur
45. Which of the following is responsible for extra strength of Pyrex glass?
(A)Potassium carbonate
(B)Lead Oxide
(D)Ferric Oxide
Answer: Borax

Sunday, August 10, 2014



Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Eastern Region (ER), Kolkata, invites application for the following  posts  :

  1. Senior Technical Assistant : 01 post (SC)
  2. Quarantine Inspector :  02 posts (UR)
  3. Senior Store Assistant : 01 post (UR)
  4. Junior Geographical Assistant : 07 posts (UR-1, OBC-3, SC-2, ST-1) (PWD-3)
  5. Scientific Assistant (Physical - Civil) : 02 posts (UR-01, OBC-01) 
  6. Junior Technical Assistant : 19 posts  (UR-10, OBC-5, SC-3, ST-1)
Fee Payable : 
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How to Apply : 
Application in prescribed format should be sent in an envelope superscribed with bold letters as "Application for the posts of .................... " on or before01/09/2014 (08/09/2014 for candidates from far-flung areas) to the   Office of the Regional Director, Staff Selection Commission (Eastern Region),  234/4, A.J.C. Bose Road, Nizam Palace, 1st MSO Building,  8th Floor, Kolkata - 700020. OR See Employment News weekly dated 02/08/2014 page no. 7.

For further details and application form, please view

Sunday, July 27, 2014


1. Puducherry was incorporated in the Indian Union by the (a) Fifteenth Amendment Act, 1963
(b) Fourteenth Amendment Act, 1962
(c) Thirteenth Amendment Act,
(d) Twelfth Amendment Act, 1962
2. The Forth-second Amendment Act, 1976 the most comprehensive so far made to the Constitution known as the Mini Constitution - gave effect to the recommendations of (a) Chelliah Committee
(b) Santhanam Committee
(c) Swaran Singh Committee
(d) None of the above
3. Which one of the following recommendations was not made by Rajamannar Committee appointed by Tamil Nadu Government in 1969? (a) The Planning Commission should be made a permanent body
(b) Article 356,357 and 365 (dealing with Presidents’ Rule) Should be totally omitted
(c) All India services (IAS, IPS and IFS) should be abolished
(d) Finance Commission should be made a permanent body
4. Which of the following did not deal with the Centre-State relations ? (a) Anandpur Sahib Resolution 1973
(b) West Bengal Memorandum 1977
(c) Sarkaria Commission 1983
(d) L.M. Singhvi Committee 1986
5. By the 42nd Amendment Act of 1976 which of the following was not added to the chapter Directive Principles in part IV? (a) To secure opportunities for healthy development of children (Article 39)
(b) To protect and improve environment and safeguard forests and wildlife (Article 48A)
(c) To promote equal justice and provide free legal aid (Article 39A)
(d) To save laws providing for acquisition of estates (Article 31A)
6. Corporation Tax (a) Is levied and appropriated by the states
(b) Is levided by the Union and collected and appropriated by the States
(c) Is levied by the Union and shared by the Union and the States.
(d) Is levied by the Union and belongs to it exclusively
7. According to the Constitution of India, the term District Judge shall not include (a) Chief Presidency Magistrate
(b) Sessions Judge
(c) Tribunal Judge
(d) Chief Judge of a small cause Court
8. Which one of the following is part of election o f the President of India but does not form part of the forum for his impeachment? (a) Lok Sabha
(b) Rajya Sabha
(c) State Legislative Assemblies
(d) None of these
9. Which one of the following is not a principle of Panchsheel ? (a) Non-alignment
(b) Peaceful co-existence
(c) Non-interference in each others’ internal affairs
(d) Mutual respect for each others territorial integrity
10. The largest producer of gas in India is (a) ONGC
(b) Reliance Industries Limited
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of the above
11. Which of the following organisations has declared October 2 as the International Day of Nonviolence ? (a) World Concil of Churches
(c) UN General Assembly
(d) World Peace Forum
12. Who amongst the following has developed the concept of Human Development Index? (a) Amartya Sen
(b) A.S. Kadir
(c) Alva Myrdal
(D) Mehboob-ul-Haq
13. The tax on import and export is known as (a) Income tax
(b) Trade tax
(c) Custom duty
(d) Excise duty
14. India began Non-aligned Movement in (a) 1961 (b) 1954
(C) 1973 (d) 1978
15. The ‘Trusteeship Theory’ signifies (a) Property as theft
(b) State ownership of means of production
(c) Abolition of Private property
(d) Owners consider wealth for society.
16. Portfolio System in India was introduced for the first time by (a) Charter Act of 1853
(b) Government of India Act 1858
(c) Indian Council Act of 1861
(d) Indian Council Act 1892
17. The leaders of the Khilafat Movement were (a) Motilal Nehru and C. R. Das
(b) Gandhi and Annie Beasant
(c) Maulana Azad and Sarojini Naidu
(d) Ali Brothers
18. The Simon Commission was sent to India to (a) Study the communal problem
(b) Negotiate with Gandhi representation of backward class
(c) Report on Home Rule to the British Parliament
(d) None of the above
19. Who among the following was not moderate? (a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(b) Dadabhai Naoroji
(c) Feroz shah Mehta
(d) Gopal Krishna Gokhle
20. Mohammad Ali Jinnah propounded the Two-Nation theory in the year (a) 1920 (b) 1928
(C) 1940 (D) 1946
21. Which of the follwing is the main purpose of issuing ‘Know Your Customer Guidelines’ by Reserve Bank of India?(a) To keep a check on money laundering
(b) To keep a check on money laundering
(c) To bring more and more people in the income tax net
(d) To make high value transactions faster
22. The rate on which banks lend to RBI is Known as 
(a) Cash Reserve Ratio
(b) Bank Rate
(c) REPO Rate
(d) Statutory Liquidity Ratio
23. The 15th Non-aligned Movement Summit was held in (a) Havana
(b) Sharm-el-Sheikh
(c) London
(d) Accra
24. During which Gupta King’s reign did the Chinese traveller Fa-hien visit India? (a) Chandragupta I
(b) Samudragupta
(c) Chandragupta II
(d) Kumargupta
25. Which one of the following methods of soil conservation is most effective in arid areas? (a) Mulching
(b) Shelter belt
(c) Gully plugging
(d) Terracing
26. White Coal is (a) Uranium
(b) Hydro-electricity
(c) Diamond
(d) Ice
27. Detergents clean surfaces on the principle of (a) Viscosity
(b) Surface Tension
(c) Elasticity
(d) Floatation
28. Sea water can be purified by the process of (a) Distillation
(b) Evaporation
(c) Filtration
(d) Fractional Distillation
29. Spectacles used for viewing 3D films have (a) Bifocal lens
(b) Convex lens
(c) Concave lens
(d) Polaroids
30. Which one of the following sequences represent correctly the different atmospheric layers from the earth’s surface? (a) Troposphere, Stratosphere Mesosphere and Ionosphere
(b) Stratosphere, Tropsophere, Ionosphere and Tropopause
(c) Stratosphere, Tropsophere, Tropopause and Ionosphere
(d) None of the above
31. Who was the first to measure earth’s circumference? (a) Galileo (b) Copenicus
(c) Ptolemy (d) Eratosthenes
32. Which of the following Volcanoes is situated in Mexico ? (a) Colema (b) Purace
(c) Sameru (d) Etna
33. Marble is a (a) Metamorphic rock
(b) Plutonic rock
(c) Sedimentary rock
(d) Volcanic rock
34. Largest peninsula of the world is (a) Southern India (b) Arabia
(c) Alaska (d) Labrador
35. NASA launched LRO and LCROSS for the purpose of exploration of (a) Jupiter
(b) Saturn
(c) Moon
(d) None of the above
36. Forbe’s magazine has named as the most powerful woman of the world (a) Sonia Gandhi (b) Hillary Clinton
(c) Angela Markel (d) Queen Elizabeth
37. The host city for 31st Olympic Games in 2016 is (a) Chicago (b) Moscow
(c) Rio-de-Janeiro (e) Manila
38. Miss Universe 2009 Stefania Fernandez is from (a) Cuba (b) Gibraltar
(c) Venezuela (d) Poland
39. Ebrahim Alkazi is a well known personality from the field of (a) Folk dance
(b) Theatre
(c) Business
(d) None of the above
40. Who among the following is not the recipient of Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award for 2009 ? (a) M. S. Dhoni
(b) Mc Mary Kom
(c) Sushil Kumar
(d) Vijender Singh
41. Who among the following was not the Vice- Presient of India ? (a) Zakir Hussain
(b) Gopal Swaroop Pathak
(c) Neelam Sanjeev Reddy
(d) Mohd. Hidayatullah
42. The number of members in Interim Government proposed by Cabinet mission was(a) 14 (b) 15
(c) 16 (d) 25
43. Fundamental Duties enshrined in the Indian Constitution do not have any(a) Legal Sanction (b) Political Sanction
(c) Social Sanction (d) Moral Sanction
44. Fascism gives more importance to (a) Party (b) Army
(c) Nation (d) Leader
45. Who among the following served as the President of Indian National Congress for six consecutive years ?(a) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(b) Abul Kalam Azad
(c) Dada Bhai Naoroji
(d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
46. Who among the following has not been the Governor of Uttar Pradesh ? (a) V. Gopala Reddy
(b) M. Chenna Reddy
(c) Brahmananda Reddy
(d) V. Satyanarayan Reddy
47. Who was the President of the Historical Congress Session of 1916 at Lucknow ? (a) Purushottam Das Tandon
(b) R. N. Mudohkar
(c) Madan Mohan Malaviya
(d) Ambika Charan Majumdar
48. How many seats have been reserved for scheduled castes in Lok Sabha?(a) 69 (b) 73
(c) 79 (d) 84
49. How many zonal councils are there in India ? (a) 4 (b) 5
(c) 6 (d) 7
50. Famous Football Player Didier Drogba belongs to(a) Algeria (b) Morocco
(c) Ivory Coast (d) UAE
51. Which term is not used in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution ? (a) Republic (b) Integrity
(c) Federal (d) Socialist
52. A Bill referred to a joint sitting of the two Houses of Parliament is to be passed by (a) Simple majority
(b) Two-third majority
(c) Three- fourth majority
(d) Absolute majority of the total membership.
53. Provincial autonomy was a feature of which Act ? (a) The Government of India Act 1909
(b) The Government of India Act of 1919
(c) The Government of India Act of 1935
(d) The India Independence Act of 1947
54. In Hockey World Cup (2010) the player of the tournament was(a) Luke Doerner
(b) Guus Vogls
(c) Both Jointly
(d) None of the above
55. Who do not take part in the election of the President ? (a) Elected members of Rajya Sabha
(b) Elected member of Lok Sabha
(c) Elected members of Legislative Assemblies
(d) Elected members of Legislative Councils
56. Rajya Sabha has exclusive powers in the matter of (a) Confirmation of proclamation of emergency
(b) Creation of new states
(c) Election of the Vice President
(d) Authorising the Parliament to make laws on the subjects provided in the state list.
57. The Presidential System of Government operates on the principles of (a) Division of powers
(b) Separation of powers
(c) Fusion of powers
(d) Balance of powers
58. The power of Supreme Court to review any judgement pronounced or order made by it previously is provided in (a) Article 126
(b) Article 137
(c) Article 138
(d) Article 139
59. The basic element of Liberalism is (a) Individual Freedom
(b) Mixed Economy
(c) Secularism
(d) Equality
60. The main objective of Rule of Law is to ensure(a) Freedom of Press
(b) Liberty of Citizens
(c) Independence of Judiciary
(d) All of the above
61. Asian Development Bank was established in (a) 1966 (b) 1954
(c) 1981 (d) 1955
62. South Asian Free Trade Agreement came into force on (a) January 1, 2006
(b) March 15, 2008
(c) December 10, 2009
(d) April 11, 2005
63. Parliament passed Special Economic Zones Act in (a) 2006 (b) 2005
(c) 2008 (d) 2004
64. Which of the following countries is not the member of BENELUX ? (a) England (b) Belgium
(c) Netherlands (d) Luxembourg
65. Which of the following is not the part of world bank Group ? (a) IMF (b) IBRD
(c) IDA (d) MIGA
66. The Article related to Budget (annual financial statement) is (a) Article 113 (b) Article 114
(c) Article 111 (d) Article 112
67. Which of the following dances is not a classical dance ? (a) Kathakali (b) Garba
(c) Odissi (d) Bharatnatyam
68. Which organisation is headed by Indian Environmentalist R. K. Pachauri – a Nobel Laureate? (a) International Environment Panel
(b) International Panel on Climate Change
(c) International Pollution Control Panel
(d) International Panel on Global Warming
69. The headquarters of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is located in (a) Kenya (b) Washington
(c) Moscow (d) Tokyo
70. Which is the biggest enterprise of the Government of India? (a) Postal and Telegraph
(b) Railways
(c) Bankings
(d) Shipping
71. 80% of the coal in India comes from (a) Jharia and Raniganj
(b) Kantapalli and Singareni
(c) Singrauli and Korba
(d) Neyveli
72. Which component of blood is considered as the guard cell of our body ?(a) R.B.C. (b) Platelets
(c) Plasma (d) W.B.C
73. Laureus world Team of the year 2010 is (a) Brawn GP (Formula One United Kingdom)
(b) Indian Cricket Team
(c) Australian Hockey Team
(d) None of the above
74. The most important function of perspiration is to (a) Get rid of the body wastes
(b) Regulate body temperature
(c) Regulate body wastes
(d) Lubricate the skin
75. Which of the following terms is associated with the biology of silkworms ? (a) Apiculture
(b) Sericulture
(c) Sylviculture
(d) Pisciculture

1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. d 6. d 7. c 8. d 9. a 10. b 
11. c 12. d 13. c 14. a 15. d 16. c 17. d 18. c 19. a 20. c 
21. b 22. a 23. b 24. c 25. b 26. b 27. b 28. a 29. a 30. a 
31. d 32. a 33. a 34. b 35. c 36. c 37. c 38. c 39. b 40. a 
41. c 42. a 43. a 44. c 45. b 46. c 47. d 48. d 49. b 50. c 
51. c 52. a 53. c 54. b 55. d 56. d 57. b 58. b 59. a 60. d 
61. a 62. a 63. b 64. a 65. a 66. d 67. b 68. b 69. a 70. b 
71. a 72. d 73. a 74. b 75. d


1. Which of the following are considered as the Alternative Nobel Prizes ? (a) Magsaysay Awards
(b) Right to Livelihood Awards
(c) Global Energy Awards
(d) Grammy Awards
2. In 2008 Bharat Ratna - India’s highest civilian award was given to(a) Narayan Murthy
(b) Pt. Bhimsen Joshi
(c) Ratan Tata
(d) B.R. Chopra
3. Traditionally, the first of Nobel Prizes awarded each year is in the category of (a) Physics (b) Chemistry (c) Medicine (d) Literature
4. World Forestry Day is observed on (a) January 21 (b) February 21 (c) March 21 (d) April 21
6. The first credit rating agency of India is (a) Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited (CRISIL)
(b) Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency of India Limited
(c) Credit Analysis and Research Limited
(d) Duff Falps Credit Rating India Private Limited
7. The Qutub Minar was completed by the famous ruler(a) Qut-ub-uddin Aibak
(b) Iltutmish
(c) Firoz Shah Tuglaq
(d) Alauddin Khilji
8. Security Printing Press is situated at (a) Dewas (b) Hyderabad (c) Nasik (d) Kolkata
9. The first classification of Pran (Respiration) is available in(a) Rig Veda
(b) Aitreye Brahman
(c) Chhandogya Upanishad
(d) Ish Upanishad
10. Asvaghosha wrote (a) Buddha Charita
(b) Sutta Pitak
(c) Abidhamma Pitak
(d) Vinay Pitak
11. The first Muslim President of the Indian National Congress was(a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(b) Badruddin Tayyabji
(c) Sir Sayyed Ahmed Khan
(d) Abul Kalam Azad
12. Which principle was added by Mahavir Swami among the tenets of Jainism ? (a) Non-violence
(b) Non-Stealing
(c) Brahmacharya
(d) Non- Collection
13. The headquarters of ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations) is situated in (a) Beijing (b) Manila (c) Kuala Lumpur (d) Jakarta
14. The Preamble to the Constitution of India reads as (a) Sovereign, Democratic, Socialist, Secular, Republic
(b) Socialist, Democratic, Secular, Republic.
(c) Democratic, Sovereign, Secular, Socialist, Republic
(d) Sovereign Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic
15. Smog is a combination of (a) Air and Water Vapour
(b) Water and Smoke
(c) Fire and Water
(d) Smoke and Fog
16. Whose Prime Minister was Kautilya? (a) Harshvardhan
(b) Chandragupta-II
(c) Chandragupta Maurya
(d) Ashoka
17. Harijan Sangh was founded by (a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Jyotiba Phule
(d) Acharya Vinoba Bhave
18. Vinegar is a commercial name of (a) Oxalic Acid (b) Hydrochloric Acid (c) Acetic Acid (d) Citric Acid
19. Dayana Mendoza was (a) Miss Universe 2008
(b) Miss Universe 2009
(c) Miss Universe 2010
(d) None of these
20. The Universe in a Single Atom, is a book by(a) Dr. Subhash C. Kashyap
(b) Dalai Lama
(c) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
(d) M.S. Swaminathan
21. Which one of the following is not written by Karl Marx ? (a) The Poverty of Philosophy
(b) Value, Price and profit
(c) State and Revolution
(d) The Critique of Political Economy
22. Zonal Councils have been created by(a) The Constitution
(b) Parliamentary Act
(c) Governments Declaration
(d) National Development Council
23. Who amongst the following founded the Asiatic Society of Bengal ?(a) J.A. Hickey
(b) Max Mueller
(c) Wilkins
(d) William Jones
24. The Book ‘Mother India’ was written by (a) Catherine Mayo
(b) Lala Lajpat Rai
(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(d) Bipin Chandra Pal
25. The first session of the all India Trade Union Congress held in Mumbai was presided over by (a) B. Shiva Rao
(b) Lala Lajpat Rai
(c) N.M. Joshi
(d) S.A. Dange
26. Which one of the following is associated with the Champaran Satyagraha of zMahatma Gandhi ? (a) Vallabha Bhai Patel
(b) Madan Mohan Malviya
(c) Shaukat Ali
(d) Raj kumar Shukla
27. The first newspaper published in English Language was(a) The Bengal Gazette (b) The Hindu (c) Young India (d) Native Opinion
28. The Corbett National Park gets its river from(a) Alaknanda (b) Ramganga river (c) Dhauliganga river (d) Sarda river
29. Which one of the following states is most urbanized as per 2001 Census Report ? (a) Gujarat (b) Karnataka (c) Tamil Nadu (d) West Bengal
30. According to 2001 Census, three states housing maximum urban population of the country are (a) Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Karnataka
(b) Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu
(c) Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal
(d) Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu
31. The Chaura-Chauri episode took place on (a) February Ist, 1922
(b) February 2nd, 1922
(c) February 4th, 1922
(d) February 6th, 1922
32. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was born in the city of (a) Cuttack (b) Calcutta (c) Midnapore (d) Murshidabad
33. Which one of the following Mughal emperors was coronated twice ? (a) Akbar (b) Jahangir (c) Shahjahan (d) Aurangzeb
34. The manuscript of which of the following scriputres has been included in the United Nations Heritage ? (a) Valmiki Ramayana (b) Rigveda (c) Mahabharat (d) Bhagwadgita
35. Which one of the following countries is credited with the establishment of Uranium city ? (a) Australia (b) Canada (c) Russia (d) U.S.A
36. Rajiv Gandhi Environment Award is given for outstanding contribution to (a) Afforestation and Conservation of wastelands
(b) Neat Technology and Development
(c) Wildlife Conservation
(d) Hindi Books on Environment
37. As per 2001 census, which one of the states of Indian has the highest literacy? (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) West Bengal (c) Mizoram (d) Punjab
38. As per Census 2001, the percentage of the Scheduled Tribes population in India is (a) 7.20 (b) 7.50
(c) 8.20 (d) 8.50
39. Pusa Sugandha - 5 is an aromatic variety of (a) Maize (b) Red gram (c) Rice (d) Sugarcane
40. The territory of Puducherry lies divided in the states of (a) Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra
(b) Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala
(c) Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh
(d) Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Goa
41. HBJ Pipeline transports natural gas from (a) Hazira (b) Kalol (c) Bassein (d) Godavari basin
42. About 30 per cent of India’s area lies in three states of (a) Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh
(b) Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat
(c) Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra
(d) Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh
43. The first woman to scale the World’s 14 highest mountains is (a) Dorothy Height
(b) Oh Eun-sun
(c) Aditi Malik
(d) None of the above
44. The first lok pal bill was introduced in the Parliment in (a) May 1968 (b) May 1980 (c) July 1982 (d) June 1985
45. Who said “the philosophers must be the Kings”? (a) Plato (b) Aristotle (c) Socrates (d) Bernard Shaw
46. Swarn Jayanti Shahri Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) was introduced in (a) 1996 (b) 1998 (c) 1995 (d) 1997
47. Tungbhadra Project is joint river project between which pari of states ? (a) Andhra pradesh and Karnataka
(b) Tamil Nadu and Kerala
(c) Himachal Pradesh and Punjab
(d) Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka
48. The number of acknowledged indigenous breeds of cattle, India possesses is(a) 28 (b) 27 (c) 26 (d) 29
49. D. Oliveira Trophy is associated with(a) Cricket (b) Hockey (c) Chess (d) Football
50. The Attorney - General of India is appointed by the President of India under (a) Article 76 (b) Article 78 (c) Article 75 (d) Article 80
51. Kaveri is the longest river of (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Tamil Nadu (c) Kerala (d) Karnataka
52. Falklands Islands has been a disputed territory between (a) Britain and Chile
(b) Britain and Agrentina
(c) Argentina and Chile
(d) Mexico and USA
53. The Sukhoi T-50 is the first fifth generation jet fighter which belongs to (a) Russia (b) USA (c) France (d) China
54. The Femina Miss India East 2010 is (a) Pooja Chopra (b) Unnati Davara (c) Rohini Mukherjee (d) Eram Karim
55. Earth Day is observed on (a) April 22 (b) April 18 (c) April 23 (d) April 30
56. Sachin Tendulkar became the first cricketer to score double century in One Day International against(a) South Africa (b) Zimbabwe (c) Bangladesh (d) Pakistan
60. As per the fourth advance estimate of Agriculture Ministry the total food grains production in 2008-09 was estimated at (a) 217.28 million tonne
(b) 233.88 million tonne
(c) 230.78 million tonne
(d) 98.83 million tonne
61. India’s rank in using the wireless network in the world is 
(a) Second (b) Third (c) Fourth (d) Fifth
62. The author of ‘The Prince’ is (a) Justin (b) Herodotus (c) Niccolo Machiavelli (d) Megasthenes
63. How many ruling dynasties were there in the Delhi Sultanate ? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
65. The runner-up in World Twenty 20 Cup was(a) England (b) Australia (c) Zimbabwe (d) New Zealand
66. National Sports day is observed on (a) August 30 (b) August 29 (c) August 24 (d) August 19
67. India’s biggest grid-connected solar power plant has been set up at(a) Bangalore (b) Khammam (c) Kolar District (d) Palakkad
68. Which of the following diseases is caused by a virus ? (a) Plague (b) Cholera (c) Tetanus (d) Chicken Pox
69. Which of the following has implemented scheme FRIENDS for better deliverance of Services to the people? (a) Kerala (b) Tamil Nadu (c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Uttar Pradesh
70. Ka Pamblang Nongkrem festival is annually celebrated in (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Meghalaya (c) Sikkim (d) Manipur
71. Vantawng Falls is located in (a) Mizoram (b) Manipur (c) Arunachal Pradesh  (d) Tripura
72. JBSA does not have as its member (a) India (b) Brazil (c) China (d) South Africa
73. The First ASEAN Summit was held in (a) Bali (b) Hanoi (c) Manila (d) Bangkok
74. Mahatma Gandhi laid down four preconditions for a Satyagrahi (Passive Resistor) to fulfil. Which one of the following was not among them ? (a) Observe perfect chastity
(b) Embrace higher education
(c) Follow truth
(d) Cultivate fearlessness
75. Mughal Emperor Akbar divided his empire into (a) Fifteen Subas (provinces)
(b) Twelve Subas (provinces)
(c) Twenty Subas (provinces)
(d) Ten Subas (provinces) 

1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. A 
11. B 12. B 13. D 14. D 15. D 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. B 
21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. D 27. A 28. B 29. C 30. A 
31. C 32. A 33. D 34. B 35. B 36. B 37. C 38. C 39. C 40. C 
41. A 42. C 43. B 44. A 45. A 46. A 47. D 48. B 49. A 50. A 
51. B 52. B 53. A 54. B 55. A 56. A 57. B 58. A 59. C 60 B 
61. A 62. C 63. D 64. A 65. B 66. B 67. C 68. D 69. A 70. B 
71. A 72. C 73. A 74. B 75. B