Tuesday, October 16, 2012


1. Foot and mouth disease occurs in?
1) Cattle only
2) Cattle and sheep only
3) Cattle and pigs only
4) Cattle, sheep and pigs

2. Gypsum is used in the case of soils which are?
1) saline
2) alkaline
3) water-logged
4) clayey

3. In milk, fat content is reduced during?
1) winter
2) summer
3) rainy season
4) spring season

4. In human body, iron is stored in?
1) erythrocytes
2) blood
3) liver
4) spleen

5. Scientific Policy Resolution of Government of India was annou- nced in?
1) 1958
2) 1968
3) 1978
4) 1985

6. National Institute of Immunology and National Institute of Science, Techn ology & Development Studies are located in?
1) Hyderabad
2) Bangalore
3) Mumbai
4) New Delhi

7. Which of the following substances is used as a refrigerant in refrig- erators?
1) Chloroform
2) Carbon disulphide
3) Liquid nitrogen
4) Dichloro fluromethane

8. Of the follwing scientists who was not awarded the Nobel Prize twice?
1) Madam Curie
2) Linus Pauling
3) John Bardeen
4) Albert Einstein

10. The maximum fixation of solar energy is done by?
1) man
2) green plants
3) fungi
4) protozoa

Friday, September 21, 2012

SSC Northern Region, New Delhi Recruitment of Various Posts

Staff Selection Commission (SSC), Northern Region, New Delhi  invites applications in the prescribed proforma from eligible candidates for the following Group B, C Non-Gazetted Posts for various Ministries/ Offices of the Gov.t of India as per ADVT. NO. NR/1/2012.
1. Assistant Drugs Inspector in O/o Directorate General Health Services, New Delhi : 31 Jobs
2. Data Processing Assistant Grade B, in O/o NCRB, MHA, New Delhi : 04 Jobs
3. Senior Technical Assistant in AFHQ, M/o Defence, New Delhi : 25 Jobs
4. Research Investigator (Forestry) in M/o Environment & Forest : 01 Post
5. Technician in O/o National Centre for Disease Control : 13 Jobs
6. Assistant (Legal) in M /o Law & Justice : 04 Jobs
7. Research Assistant in O/o National Centre for Disease Control : 08 Jobs
8. Wildlife Inspector in O/o Wildlife Crime Control Bureau : 01 Post
9. Security Assistant in O /o National Museum : 01 Post
10. Research Assistant in O/o Town & Country Planning : 02 Jobs
11. Assistant Curators in O/o National Museum : 11 Jobs
12. Assistant Curator (Arabic Manuscripts) : 01 Post
13. Senior Research Assistant in O/o Central Water Commission : 01 Post
14. Botanical Assistant in O/o Botanical Survey of India, Jodhpur : 02 Jobs
15. Court Master in O/o Customs, Excise and Service Tax appellate Tribunal : 01 Post
16. Junior Technical Assistant in M/o Corporate Affairs, Noida : 11 Jobs

17. Research Assistant in O/o Bureau of Police Research & Development : 04 Jobs
18. Senior Scientific Assistant (Electronics) in O/o Bureau of Police Research & Development : 01 Post
19. Senior Scientific Assistant (Operational Research) in O/o Bureau of Police Research & Development : 01 Post
20. Heraldic Assistant in History Division, in O/o Jt. Secy. (Trg.) & CAO : 01 Post
21. Library & Information Assistant in D/o Industrial Policy & Promotion : 01 Post
22. Senior Library and Information Assistant in Intelligence Bureau : 05 Jobs
23. Security Supervisor in D/o Electronics & Information Technology : 02 Jobs
24. Senior Technical Assistant (Seeds) in D/o Agriculture and Cooperation : 01 Post
25. Senior Scientific Assistant in O/o Directorate General of Employment & Training : 01 Post
26. Senior Technical Assistant (Fisheries) in D/o Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries : 04 Jobs
27. Fisheries Research Investigator (Quarantine) in D/o Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries : 01 Post
28. Planning Assistant in the O/o Town and Country Planning Organisation, M/o Urban Development : 02 Jobs
29. Senior Scientific Assistant (Photo), in the O/o CENTRAL FORENSIC SCIENCE LABORATORY (CBI) : 01 Post
30. Russian Steno-II, in the O/o Naval Hqrs : 01 Post
31. Research Assistant in History Division : 04 Jobs
32. Data Processing Assistant Grade-A, in RGI & NCRB, MHA : 02 Jobs
33. Technical Assistant (Printed Publicity/Production) in DAVP : 01 Post
34. Senior Technical Assistant in the M/o Corporate Affairs : 18 Jobs
35. Market Intelligence Inspector (Economics), in the Dte. of Economics & Statistics : 04 Jobs
36. Senior Technical Assistant (Soil Conservation) in D/o Agriculture and Cooperation : 04 Jobs
37. Assistant Exhibition Officer (Gr.ii) in Directorate Of Extension, Ministry Of Agriculture : 01 Post
38. Junior Wirelelss Operator in the D/o Telecommunication : 09 Jobs
39. Investigator in the O/o Town & Country Planning Organisation : 03 Jobs
40. Modeller in National Museum : 03 Jobs
41. Senior Draftsman, in Various Directorate Of Census Operations : 11 Jobs
42. Technical Officer in O/o Textile Commissioner, Mumbai : 03 Jobs
43. Draughtsman Grade-I in Integrated Headquarters of M/o Defence (Army) : 09 Jobs
44. Assistant Central Intelligence Oficer-I (Cypher), in Intelligence Bureau : 05 Jobs
45. Computor in M/o Road Transport & Highways : 01 Post
46. Tourist Information Officer, in O/o India Tourism Office : 02 Jobs
47. Senior Scientific Assistant-III in the Directorate of Plant Protection Quarantine & Storage, Faridabad : 05 Jobs
48. Taxidermist Grade -III in O/o Zoological Survey Of India, Kolkata : 01 Post
49. Section Officer (Horticulture) in the O/o Central Public Works Department : 04 Jobs
50. Zoo-Ranger in National Zoological Park : 02 Jobs
51. Statistical Assistant in Bureau Police Research & Development : 01 Post
52. Youth Assistant Grade-II, in NSS : 08 Jobs
53. Technical Assistant (Insecticide), in M /o Agriculture : 01 Post
54. Accounts Clerk in National Foundation for Teachers Welfare : 01 Post
55. Caretaker in UPSC : 01 Post
56. Farm Assistant in the O/o Regional Station for Forage Production & Demonstration, Sriganganagar (Rajasthan) : 01 Post
57. Library Clerk in M/o Labour & Employment : 01 Post
58. Junior Technical Assistant, in Forest Survey Of India, Dehradun : 03 Jobs
59. Reprographic Assistant in Central Soil & Materials Research Station : 01 Post
60. Telephone Operator in Central Soil & Materials Research Station : 01 Post
61. Scientific Assistant-I in Directorate Of Plant Protection Quarantine & Storage : 01 Post
62. Scientific Assistant in O/o Chief Engineer, Central Water Commission : 01 Post
63. Computer Operator in O/o Central Pension Accounts Office : 01 Post
64. Assistant Centreal Intelligence Officer Grade - II (EDP) in Intelligence Bureau, M/o Home Affairs : 05 Jobs
65. Data Entry Operator (Grade-b) in Directorate General of Employment & Training : 02 Jobs
66. Calligraphist(Jr.), in Press Information Bureau : 01 Post
67. Junior Technical Assistant (Coder), in Davp : 02 Jobs
68. Library Clerk in M/o Earth Science : 01 Post
How to Apply: Applications complete in all respects should reach to The Regional Director (NR) , Staff Selection Commission , Block No.12, Lodhi Road, CGO Complex, New Delhi - 110504.
Last date: 12th October 2012

For Job Notification CLICK HERE
For Application Form CLICK HERE

Monday, September 10, 2012


Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will hold on Sunday, the 18/11/2012 an open competitive examination for recruitment to the following posts.
Junior Translators (CSOLs) (Group ‘B’ Non-Gazetted): No. of posts will determined in due course,   

Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-,  

Age Limit : 30 years as on 01/08/2012. Relaxation as per Govt. rules.

Fee : Rs. 100/- in the form of Central Recruitment Fee Stamps available at Post Office. No fee for SC/ST/PH/Ex-Servicemen and Women candidates.
Closing Date : Last date for receipt of application in the commission will be 05/10/2012.
Cantre of Examination and Address to which Applications should be sent : The applications should be addressed to the Regional Office of the SSC  for a particular test center/state where candidate wants to apply as stated in the detailed advertisement. 
  1. Regional Director (NR), SSC, 5th Floor, Block No.12, CGO Complex, Lodhi Raod, New Delhi-110504
  2. Regional Director (SR), SSC, E.V.K. Sampath Building, College Raod, Chennai-600006
  3. Regional Director (ER), SSC, 1st MSO Building, 8th Floor, Nizam Palace, 234/4, AJC Bose Road, Kolkata-700020
  4. Regional Director (WR), SSC, Army & Navy Building, 1st Floor, South Wing, Pratishtha Bhawan, Old CGO Complex, 101, M.K. Road, Mumbai-400020
  5. Regional Director (CR), SSC, 8-AB, Beli Raod, Allahabad-211002
  6. Regional Director (NER), SSC, Rukmini Nagar, P.O. Assam, Sachivalaya, Guwahati-781006
  7. Regional Director (KKR), SSC, 1st Floor, 2nd Block, 'E' Wing, Kendriya Sadan, Koramangala, Bangalore-560034
  8. Dy. Director (MPR), SSC, 'Nishant Villa', F.Jalvihar Colony, Raipur-492001
  9. Dy. Director (NWR), SSC, Block No.3, Ground Floor, Kendriya Sadan, Sector-9, Chandigarh-160017
For more Details visit   http://ssc.nic.in/notice/examnotice/Notice%20of%20JHT-2012.pdf and application format is available at http://ssc.nic.in/notice/examnotice/Application%20form%20JHT%202012.pdf

Thursday, September 6, 2012

SSC North Western Region Investigator Gr. - II Recruitment

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) North Western Region - NWR), Chandigarh, invite application for the following  posts :  

Investigator Gr. - II in O/o Labour Bureau, Chandigarh : 21 posts (UR-13, OBC-5, SC-1, ST-2),

Age : 26  years

Fee Payable : Rs.50/- (No fee for Women/ SC/ST/PH and Ex-Servicemen) by means of Central Recruitment Fee Stamps (CRFS) only, available at head post office all over the country.

How to Apply : Application in prescribed format should be sent in an envelope superscribed with bold letters as "Application for the posts of .................... " on or before 01/10/2012 (08/10/2012 for candidates from far-flung areas) to  Office of the Deputy Regional Director (NWR), Staff Selection Commission, (North Western Region), Block No. 3, Kendriya Sadan, Sector-9, Chandigarh - 160017.

For more Details visit http://www.sscnwr.org/

SSC Chennai Group B and Group C Posts Recruitment

Staff Selection Commission (Southern Region), Chennai invited applications for 10 posts 2 in Group B and 8 in Group C in various Offices. Eligible candidates can send duly filled in applications along with required documents to “The Regional Director (SR) Staff Selection Commission, 2nd Floor, EVK Sampath Building, College Road, Chennai - 600 217” so as to reach the Southern Regional Office of the Commission on or before the closing date.

Fees: An examination fee of Rs.50/- has to be paid only through Central Recruitment Fee Stamps available in all Post Offices. SC/ST/Female and eligible EX-S need not pay this fee. However, SC/ST candidates, applying to the posts reserved for OBC, have to pay the fee.

1. CATEGORY NO.SR-B-01: Senior Library & Information Assistant in Defence Services Staff College, Ministry of Defence.
No. of Vacancy: UR-1(ONE).
Pay Scale: Pay Band Rs.9300-34800 plus Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
Age limit: Not exceeding 30 years. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 yrs for Central Govt. employees with not less than 3 yrs regular and continuous service.
Educational Qualification:  I. Graduate from a recognized University or equivalent.
II. Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent Diploma in Library Science from a recognized University/Institute or equivalent.
(iii) Professional experience in a Library of Standing (or) Certificate in Computer applications from a recognized Institute.
Note: Qualifications relaxable at the discretion of the SSC in case of candidate otherwise eligible.

2. CATEGORY NO.SR-B-02: Instructor (Marine Engineering) in CIFNET, Kochi.
No. of Vacancy: OBC- 1 (One)  
Pay Scale:  Rs. 9300-34800 in Pay Band 2 with Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
Age Limit: Not exceeding 35 years. Upper age limit is relaxable by 3 yrs for OBC candidates and by 5 yrs for OBC Central Government Employees with 3 yrs of regular and continuous service as on the closing date.
Educational Qualification:  I. (a) Degree in Mechanical/Automobile/Marine Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent.
(b) One year experience of Diesel Engines OR
II. (a) Diploma in Mechanical/Automobile/Marine Engineering from a recognized Institution or equivalent.
(b) 3 yrs practical experience of handling machines in a recognized workshop.
Note: Qualifications relaxable at the discretion of SSC in case of candidates otherwise well qualified.

Staff Selection Commission, Mumbai Group B Recruitment

Staff Selection Commission (Western Region), Mumbai invited applications for 4 posts in Group B in various Offices. Eligible candidates can send duly filled in applications along with required documents to “The Office of The Regional Director, Staff Selection Commission, (Western Region) 1St floor, Pratishtha Bhavan,  101, Mk Road, Mumbai 400020” so as to reach the Western Regional Office of the Commission on or before the closing date.

1. CATEGORY NO.WR-II: Metrological Assistant, Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public distribution.
No. of Posts: 5 (UR-3, OBC-1, SC -1)
Age limit: Upper age limit not exceeding 30 years for UR and 35 years for SC/ST. (Age relaxation of 10 yrs is provided to PH, 13 yrs to PH (OBC) and 15 yrs to PH (SC/ST) [Upper age limit is relaxed up to 35 years for government servant in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government.]
Pay Scale: Rs.9300-34800/- + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
Educational Qualification: Master degree in Physics or Degree in Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics/Computer/ Instrumentation engineering from a recognized University/Institution or equivalent.
(Note: The vacancy is identified as suitable for only HH and OH candidates. PH candidates with other forms of disabilities need not apply.)
2. CATEGORY NO.WR-IV: Costing officer, Office of the Textile commissioner, Ministry of Textiles.
No. of Posts: 2 (UR-1, OBC-1)
Age limit:  Upper age limit is 30 years. (Age relaxation of 3 yrs is provided to OBCs.) [Upper age limit is relaxed up to 35 years for government servant in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government.]
Pay Scale: Rs.9300-34800/- + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
Educational Qualification:
•    Degree in Commerce/Economics from a recognized university with Costing as one of the subjects.
•    At least 3 years of experience in dealing with costing and financial problem or collecting Economics intelligence and preparing Financial/Costing reports.
Added Qualification: Pass in Intermediate examination of the Institute of Costs and Works Accounts, India or UK or pass in the Intermediate examination of the Institute of Charted Accounts.
3. CATEGORY NO.WR-VII: Assistant Director, Office of the Director, National Savings Institutes, Ministry of Finance, DEA.
No. of Posts: 8 (UR-5, OBC-2, SC-1)
Age limit: Upper age limit is 30 years (Upper age limit relaxed by 3 yrs for OBCs and 5 yrs for SC.)
Pay Scale: Rs.9300-34800/- + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
Educational Qualification: Bachelor degree in Commerce/Economics/Statistics/Maths from a recognized university.
Added Qualification: 2 years experience in Data analysis marketing, research, sales promotion and publication.
(This vacancy is identified as not suitable for PH candidates.)
4. CATEGORY NO.WR-X: Senior Scientific Assistant, Fishery Survey of India, Mumbai, D/o Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Mumbai.
No. of Posts: 1 (ST-1)
Age limit: Upper age limit not exceeding 30 years for UR and 35 years for SC/ST. (Age relaxation of 10 yrs is provided to PH, 13 yrs to PH (OBC) and 15 yrs to PH (SC/ST)) [Upper age limit is relaxed up to 35 years for government servant in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government.]
Pay Scale: Rs.9300-34800/- + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
Educational Qualification: Master degree in Marine Biology/Zoology/Oceanography/Fishery Science from a recognized University or equivalent or PG Diploma in Fisheries Science from Central Institute of Fisheries Educations, Mumbai or equivalent.(This vacancy is non-ministerial and has been identified as not suitable for PH candidates).
Fees: An examination fee of Rs.50/- has to be paid only through Central Recruitment Fee Stamps available in all Post Offices. SC/ST/PH, Female and eligible EX-S need not pay this fee. (Service clerks in the last year of their color service and Ex-Servicemen who have already taken up a Government job are not entitled for fee concession.)

Closing Date: 15 September 2012 (17.00 Hrs)
                       22 September 2012 (17.00 Hrs) (For residents of Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep and those residing abroad.)
For more details click here

Staff Selection Commission, Mumbai Group C Recruitment

Staff Selection Commission (Western Region), Mumbai invited applications for 8 posts in Group C. Eligible candidates should send duly filled in applications along with required documents to “The Office of The Regional Director, Staff Selection Commission, (Western Region) 1St floor, Pratishtha Bhavan,  101, Mk Road, Mumbai 400020” so as to reach the Western Regional Office of the Commission on or before the closing date.

1. CATEGORY NO.WR-I: Information Assistant (Non- Tech), India tourism, Ministry of Tourism.
No. of Posts: 2 (OBC- 1, SC- 1)
Age limit: Between 21 to 25 years. (35 years for Departmental Candidates). (Relaxation in upper age limit offered to SC candidates - 5 years and OBCs - 3 years.)
Pay Scale: Rs.9300-34800/- + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
Educational Qualification:
•    Graduate from a recognized university in India.
•    Degree/Diploma in computer application from a government recognized institute.
•    Knowledge of places of tourist interest in India.
•    Knowledge of various phases of Indian History and architecture -- ancient and modern.
Added Qualification:
•    Diploma in Tourism.
•    Knowledge of any European language other than English.
•    Experience in travel/publicity firm or office,
(Academic qualification relaxable by the government in case of candidates otherwise exceptionally suitable for reason to be recorded in written.)
2. CATEGORY NO.WR-III: Technical Officer - I (Non-Tech), Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine and Stores, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation.
No. of Posts: 6 (UR-3, OBC-2, ST-1)
Age limit: 18-25 years (Upper age limit relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC s, 10 years for PH, 13 years - PH (OBC) and 15 years - PH(SC/ST)) [Age relaxed up to 35 years for government servants in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government.]
Pay Scale: Rs.5200-20200+ Grade pay Rs.2000/-
Educational Qualification: Intermediate in Science (with Zoology/Botany or Agriculture) from a recognized University/Board or equivalent.
(This vacancy is Non-Ministerial and identified as not suitable for PH candidates.)
3. CATEGORY NO.WR-V: Economic Assistant, Office of the Textile commissioner, Ministry of Textiles.
No. of Posts: 2
Age limit:  28 years [For government servants, upper age limit relaxed upto 35 years in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government.]
Pay Scale: Rs.5200-20200+ Grade pay Rs.2800/-
Educational Qualification: Degree with Economics/Statistics/Maths as a subject from a recognized University.
Added Qualification: At least 3 years experience in dealing with Economics and financial problems or collecting intelligence and preparing reports.
4. CATEGORY NO.WR-VI: Laboratory Assistant, Regional Centre of Organic Farming, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation.
No. of Posts: 1 (OBC)
Age limit: 18 to 25 years. (Upper age limit relaxed by 3 years for OBCs.) [For government servant, upper age limit relaxed upto 35 years in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government.]
Pay Scale: Rs.5200-20200+ Grade pay Rs.1900/-
Educational Qualification: Intermediate (Science) with one year experience or High School (science) with 3 years experience in microbiology or chemistry laboratory.
Added Qualification: B.Sc. Agriculture or Biology.
 (The vacancy is Non–Ministerial and has been identified as not suitable for PH.)
5. CATEGORY NO.WR-VIII: Zoological Assistant, Zoological Survey of India, Ministry of Environment and Forests.
No. of Posts: 2
Age limit: 18 to 27 years. (Upper age limit relaxed to 40 years for CGCE as per orders issued by Central Govt.)
Pay Scale: Rs.9300-34800/- + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
Educational Qualification: Second class B.Sc. (Hons.) or B.Sc. (Zoology) with at least 55% marks in aggregate.
Added Qualification: Experience in arranging Zoological exhibits of a museum and field collection of exhibits. Aptitude in systematic Zoology
(This vacancy is Non-Ministerial and identified as not suitable for PH.)
6. CATEGORY NO.WR-IX: Stockman (Tech), Central Herd Registration Scheme, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries.
No. of Posts: 5 (UR-2, OBC-1, SC-1, ST-1)
Age limit: 18 to 25 years. (Relaxation in upper age limit is available to OBC for 3 years, SC/ST for 5 years) [Upper age limit relaxable upto 40 years for Departmental Candidates with 3 years continuous service in the same line or allied cadres (45 years for SC/ST)].
Pay Scale: Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.1900/-
Educational Qualification: 10th pass/matriculation from recognized university/Board or equivalent
Added Qualification: Training in Animal husbandry/Stock assistant/Knowledge of English/Knowledge about animal recording, animal breeds.
(The vacancy is identified as not suitable for PH.)
7. CATEGORY NO.WR-XI: Calligraphist (Jr.) (Urdu) (non-Tech), Press Information Bureau, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.                           
No. of Posts: 1 (OBC )
Age limit: 18 to 27 years. (Upper age limit relaxed by 3 years for OBC candidates)
Pay Scale: Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.2400/-
Educational Qualification: 12th class or equivalent from a recognized university
(This vacancy is identified as not suitable for PH.)
8. CATEGORY NO.WR-XII: Calligraphist (Jr.) (Sindhi) (Non-Tech), Press Information Bureau, Ministry of Information bureau.                           
No. of Posts: 1
Age limit: 18 to 27 years.  
Pay Scale: Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.2400/-
Educational Qualification: 12th pass or equivalent from a recognized university.
(This vacancy is identified as not suitable for PH.)
Fees: An examination fee of Rs.50/- has to be paid only through Central Recruitment Fee Stamps available in all Post Offices. SC/ST/PH, Female and eligible EX-S need not pay this fee. (Service clerks in the last year of their color service and Ex-Servicemen who have already taken up a Government job are not entitled for fee concession.)

Closing Date: 15 September 2012 (17.00 Hrs)
                       22 September 2012 (17.00 Hrs) (For residents of Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep and those residing abroad.)

For details click here

Monday, September 3, 2012

Syllabus for SSC Combined Recruitment-Assistant Grade III in FCI

Selection for the posts will be based on a Written Examination which will be conducted by Staff Selection Commission. All papers in the examination will consist of Objective Type Multiple Choice questions.

Paper I [Post Assistant Grade-III (General-Code A, Accounts-Code B, Technical-Code C & Depot-Code D)]
(Higher Secondary Level)

General Intelligence : It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type. This component may include questions on analogies, similarities and differences, space visualization, spatial orientation, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning and figural classification, arithmetic number series, non-verbal series, coding and decoding, statement conclusion, syllogistic reasoning etc. The topics are, Semantic Analogy, Symbolic/Number Analogy, Figural Analogy, Semantic Classification, Symbolic/Number Classification, Figural Classification, Semantic Series, Number Series, Figural Series, Problem Solving, Word Building, Coding & de-coding, Numerical Operations, symbolic Operations, Trends, Space Orientation, Space Visualization, Venn Diagrams, Drawing inferences, Punched hole/pattern –folding & un-folding, Figural Pattern – folding and completion, Indexing, Address matching, Date & city matching, Classification of centre codes/roll numbers, Small & Capital letters/numbers coding, decoding and classification, Embedded Figures, Critical thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, Other sub-topics, if any.

General Awareness : Questions in this component will be aimed at testing the candidates general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of every day observations and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of any educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Polity & Scientific Research.

Quantitative Aptitude : The questions will be designed to test the ability of appropriate use of numbers and number sense of the candidate. The scope of the test will be computation of whole numbers, decimals, fractions and relationships between numbers, Percentage. Ratio & Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Alligation, Time and distance, Time & Work, Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds, Graphs of Linear Equations, Triangle and its various kinds of centres, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles, Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons , Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base, Trigonometric ratio, Degree and Radian Measures, Standard Identities, Complementary angles, Heights and Distances, Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar diagram & Pie chart.

English Language : Candidate‘s ability to understand correct English, his basic comprehension and writing ability, etc. would be tested.

Paper – II [(Post Assistant Grade-III (General-Code A, Accounts-Code B & Depot-Code C)]
(Higher Secondary Level)

(a) Quantitative Methods : The questions will be designed to test the ability of appropriate use of numbers and number sense of the candidate. The scope of the test will be the computation of whole numbers, decimals, fractions and relationships between numbers, Percentage. Ratio & Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Alligation, Time and distance, Time & Work, Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds, Graphs of Linear Equations, Triangle and its various kinds of centres, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles, Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons , Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base, Trigonometric ratio, Degree and Radian Measures, Standard Identities, Complementary angles, Heights and Distances, Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar diagram & Pie chart.

(b) English Language & Comprehension : Questions in this components will be designed to test the candidates understanding and knowledge of English Language and will be based on spot the error, fill in the blanks, synonyms, antonyms, spelling/detecting mis-spelt words, idioms & phrases, one word substitution, improvement of sentences, active/passive voice of verbs, conversion into direct/indirect narration, shuffling of sentence parts, shuffling of sentences in a passage, close passage & comprehension passage.

Paper III (Post Technical-Code C)
(Degree Level)
The question paper will consist of questions in – Botany, Zoology, Bio-technology, Bio-chemistry, Microbiology, Food Science and Technology, Agriculture and Agricultural Engineering.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


 Food Corporation of India (FCI) invited applications from eligible candidates for 6545 Assistant Grade III vacancies.

FCI - North Zone 

  1. Assistant Grade-III (General) : 516 posts
  2. Assistant Grade-III (Accounts) : 238 posts
  3. Assistant Grade-III (Technical) : 1652 posts
  4. Assistant Grade-III (Depot) : 617 posts
FCI - East Zone 
  1. Assistant Grade-III (General) : 85 posts
  2. Assistant Grade-III (Accounts) : 142 posts
  3. Assistant Grade-III (Technical) : 411 posts
  4. Assistant Grade-III (Depot) : 1115 posts
FCI - South Zone 
  1. Assistant Grade-III (General) : 156 posts
  2. Assistant Grade-III (Accounts) : 134 posts
  3. Assistant Grade-III (Technical) : 631 posts
  4. Assistant Grade-III (Depot) : 738 posts
FCI - West Zone 
  1. Assistant Grade-III (General) : 62 posts
  2. Assistant Grade-III (Accounts) : 47 posts
  3. Assistant Grade-III (Technical) : 474 posts
  4. Assistant Grade-III (Depot) : 286 posts
FCI - North East Zone 
  1. Assistant Grade-III (General) : 39 posts
  2. Assistant Grade-III (Accounts) : 89 posts
  3. Assistant Grade-III (Technical) : 113 posts
Age 27 years as on 01/08/2012. Age relaxation to reserved categories as per rules.

Application Fee : Rs. 200/- only through State Bank of India SBI either in the form of Challan or net banking.

Examination will conducted on  11/11/2012.

How to Apply : Apply Online at SSC  websites only  from 25/08/2012 to 19/09/2012 at http://www.ssconline.nic.in and/or http://ssconline2.gov.in for Part-I registration and up to 21/09/2012 for Part-II Registration.  

For more Details visit http://ssc.nic.in/notice/examnotice/FCI%20Notice%20final2.pdf 

Selection Procedure:

The Selection Procedure for the Recruitment of Assistant Grade III in FCI Shall consists of a Written Test.The Details of Written test (Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III) are given as under

Paper-I : The Paper-I in an Objective Paper of 200 marks that have duration of 2 hours that contains sections such as General Intelligence, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language.Paper-I will be held on 11.11.2012

Paper-II : The Paper-II is also an Objective Paper of 200 marks with 2 hours of Duration. In Paper-II, the Questions will be asked on Quantitative Methods and English Language & comprehension.Paper-II will be held on 06.1.2013

Paper-III: Paper-III is only for those candidates who have applied for AG III Technical Posts. The Duration of Paper-III will be hours and Questions will asked on Biological Sciences. Paper-III will be held on 06.1.2013

For AG-IIII (General, Accounts and Depot Posts): Candidates who have applied for these posts will have to appear only in Paper-I and Paper-II.

For AG-III (Technical Posts): Candidates who have applied for this Post will have to appear in Paper-I and Paper-II.


1) Paper-I is for shortlisting candidates for Paper-II and Paper-III
2) Selected Candidates in the Paper-II and Paper-III will have to undergo a Computer Proficiency Test, based on which they will be considered for Final Selection.
3) There will be no exemption from Computer Proficiency Test


Friday, August 24, 2012

Staff Selection Commission western Region Recruitment

Staff Selection Commission western Region  invited from eligible candidates for the following Group B and Group C Selection Posts
    1. Information Assistant : 02 Posts
    • Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800/- + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
    • Age : Between 21 to 25 years
    2. Metrological Assistant : 05 Posts
    • Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800/- + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
    • Age : Not exceeding 30 years
    3. Technical Officer - I : 06 Posts
    • Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200+ Grade pay Rs.2000/-
    • Age : 18- 25 years
    4. Costing officer : 02 Posts
    • Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800/- + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
    • Age : 30 years
    5. Economic Assistant : 02 Posts
    • Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200+ Grade pay Rs.2800/-
    • Age : 28 years
    6. Laboratory Assistant : 01 Post
    • Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200+ Grade pay Rs.1900/-
    • Age : 18 to 25 years
    7. Assistant Director : 08 Posts
    • Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800/- + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
    • Age : 30 years
    8. Zoological assistant : 02 Posts
    • Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800/- + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
    • Age : 18 to 27 years.
    9. Stockman : 05 Posts
    • Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.1900/-
    • Age : 18 to 25 years.
    10. Senior Scientific Assistant : 01 Post
    • Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800/- + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
    • Age : Not exceeding 30 years
    11. Calligraphist (Jr) (Urdu) : 01 Post
    • Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.2400/-
    • Age : 18 to 27 years.
    12. Calligraphist (Jr) (Sindhi) : 01 Post
    • Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.2400/-
    • Age : 18 to 27 years.
Last Date for receipt of application : 15.09.2012 

For Further Details visit http://www.sscwr.net/noticeboard/Advertisment%20WR%203.pdf

Thursday, August 23, 2012

SSC Southern Region Various Posts Recruitment

Staff Selection Commission(SSC), Southern Region, Chennai invites applications for various posts:
1. Farm Assistant :1 post
2. Junior Chemist : 2 post
3. Junior Computor : 1 post
4. Technical Officer – I :1 post
5. Senior Computor : 1 post
6. Technical Officer – III :1 post
7. Librarian and Information Assistant : 1 post
8. Artist Grade II : 1 post
9. Sr.Library and Information Assistant : 1 post
10. Instructor (Marine Engineering) : 1post
Age Limit: Minimum  18 to 30 Years

Hiring Process: Written Test

Application Fees: Rs. 50/-

How to Apply: The submissions duly filled in the prescribed format should be submitted to the Southern Regional Office of  the Commission on or before 28.09.2012(Closing date) at the following address: The Regional Director (SR) Staff Selection Commission, 2nd Floor, EVKSampath Building, College Road, Chennai – 600 217. Submissions Received After the Specified Time of Closing Date Will Not Be Entertained Under Any Conditions. The Commission will not be responsible for postal delay Last date for receipt of submissions: 28.9.2012 (5.00 p.m.).
Last date: 28 September 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

SSC Karnataka, Kerala region Recruitment for Different Posts

The Staff Selection Commission invited applications for the following posts:
Name of the Post
•    Senior Translator in Central Translation Bureau.
•    Instructor (Marine Engineering) in Central Institute of Fisheries, Nautical & Engineering Training.
•    Junior Technical Assistant in Office of the Regional Director (SR), Ministry of Corporate Affairs
•    Scientific Assistant-I in Directorate of Plant Protection,Quarantine & Storage
•    Technical Officer-1 in Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage, Ministry of Agriculture

Mode of Selection
•    The age limit to apply to the above mentioned vary from post to post.
•    Candidates fulfilling, the minimum prescribed qualifications will be shortlisted on the basis of their educational qualifications, academic records, percentage of marks etc, and will also have to go through a screening test at the discretion of the Commission.
How to Apply
•    The applications must be submitted to the Regional Director as per the address
•    The Application must follow a template given by the commission and is available on the regional website.

The application, complete in all respects, should reach the Regional Director (As per address given
below) by 31.8.2012. In the case of candidates residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh,
Mizoram, Manipur, Tripura, Nagaland, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti District and Pangi
Sub-division of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep and for
candidates residing abroad their closing date for receipt of application would be 07.9.2012. Application
shall be rejected if received late and/or not complete in all respects as provided in the rules.

For more details on the various posts please, CLICK HERE

Sunday, July 15, 2012

SSC Eastern Region Various Posts Recruitment

SSC (Eastern Region) has issued notification for the recruitment of Examiner, Wildlife Inspector and Fieldman. Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application format on or before 27-08-2012. Particulars about age limit, educational qualification, no of posts and other are mentioned below:
SSCER Vacancy Details:
No of Posts: 05 Posts
Names of Posts:
1. Examiner: 03 posts
2. Wildlife Inspector: 01 post
3. Fieldman: 01 post

Age Limit: 
Candidate age must be between 18-25 years for Examiner post, below 30 years for Wildlife Inspector post and below 28 years for Fieldman post as on 27-08-2012.
Educational Qualification: 
Candidate must possess B.Sc Degree with honours in Chemistry Laboratory for Examiner post, Bachelor’s Degree in Science with Zoology as a subject & Diploma/Certificate in Wildlife Management awarded by the Wildlife Institute of India or equivalent for Wildlife Inspector post and Matriculation or equivalent for Fieldman post.
Application Fee: 
Rs 50/- for General candidates (No fee for SC-ST-PH-EXSM-Women candidates). Pay fee through CRFS (Central Recruitment Fee Stamps) available in post offices.
Selection Procedure: 
Candidates will be selected on the basis of Screening Test and Interview/Personality Test/Skill Test.
How to apply: 
Eligible candidates may send their application in prescribed format, along with CRFs, recent passport size photograph pasted on application form, attested photo copies of all necessary certificates to the following address, Regional Director, Staff Selection Commission (ER), 234/4, AJC Bose Road, Nizam Palace, Ist MSO Building, 8th Floor, Kolkata-700020, on or before 27-08-2012
Last date for receipt of application: 27-08-2012 (For remote areas 03-09-2012), up to 5.00 PM.
For more particulars about age limit, educational qualification, pay scale, no. of posts, experience, application fee, how to apply, application format, selection procedure, last date for receipt of application and other particulars available at below given link.
Click here:http://www.sscer.org/

Friday, July 13, 2012

SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Examination, 2012

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will be conducting Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Examination, 2012 for recruitment to different posts like  Data Entry operators, Lower Division clerks(LDC).

SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination 2012 will conduct on 21-10-2012 and 28-10-2012.

Post names:
Data Entry operators
Lower Division clerks(LDC)

Age Limit:
Candidates must have 18  years and the max age limit is 27 years as on 01-08-2011 for General category applicants
5 years upper age relaxation for SC/ST Candidates
3 years relaxation in upper age for OBC Candodates
10 years for PWD Candidates

Education qualifications required:
Candidates must pass in 12th class or it’s equivalent from  any recognized board

Application fee:
100 rupees is the application fee ,must pay at any state bank of India by downloading the challan form or you can also pay by using SBI net banking/SBI Online Banking/SBI Internet banking

Selection Process:
Selection process is based on the performance in  Written Exam and Skill test.

Important Dates to remember: 
Starting Date for Online Registration: 14-07-2012
Last Date to Submission of Part I Application : 08-08-2012
Last Date to Submit  Part II Application  10-08-2012
Last Date for Submission of Application (far flung areas): 17-08-2012
Written Examination date 2012: 21-10-2012 & 28-10-2012

Click here to download the advertisement/notification of ssc Combined Higher Secondary Level examination 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


1. Which one of the following is an example of a non-economic good?
a) Doctor’s service
b) Teacher’s service
c) Mother’s service
d) Banker’s service

2. Which one of the following committee is associated with banking sector reforms in India?
a) L.C. Gupta
b) Narasimham
c) Chakravarty
d) Kelkar
3. Which one of the following is not a qualitative credit control measure of the RBI?
a) Fixing margin requirements
b) Variable interest rates
c) Open Market Operations
d) Credit rationing

4. The 13th Five Year Plan will be operative for the period
a) 2010 – 2015
b) 2011 – 2016
c) 2012 – 2017
d) 2013 – 2018

5. The national income of a nation is the
a) Government’s annual income
b) Sum total of factor incomes
c) Surplus of public sector enterprises
d) Export minus imports

6. The Constitutional Amendment Act that has introduced safeguards against the misuse of
proclamation of national emergency is the
a) 42nd Amendment Act
b) 43rd Amendment Act
c) 44th Amendment Act
d) 45th Amendment Act

7. The Fundamental Rights can be suspended by the
a) Governor
b) President
c) Law Minister
d) Prime Minster

8. The main reason for the growth of communalism in India is
a) Educational and economic bacwardness of minority groups
b) Political conscicousness
c) Social inequalities
d) Imposing ban on communal organizations

9. A retired Judge of a High Court is not permitted to practice as a lawyer in
a) Supreme Court
b) Any Court in India
c) High Courts
d) Except the High Court where he retired

10. Which one of the following does not match?
a) Hindu Marriage Act : 1955
b) Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act : 1971
c) Domestic Violence on Women Act : 1990
d) Cruelty against Women : 1995

11. Who among the following was the First Viceroy of India?
a) Lord Ripon
b) Lord Curzon
c) Lord Mountbatten
d) Lord Canning

12. Prithvi Raj Chauhan was defeated in Second Battle of Tarain by
a) Mahmud Ghazni
b) Muhammad Ghori
c) Qutbuddin Aibak
d) Yalduz

13. The original name of Nana Phadnavis was
a) Mahadaji Sindhia
b) Tukoji Holkar
c) Naryan Roy
d) Balaji Janardan Bhanu

14. Who among the following first propounded the idea of Basic Education?
a) Jawahar Lal Nehru
b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
c) Mahatma Gandhi
d) Daynand Saraswati

15. Arrange the following in chronological order:
1. Dandi March
2. Simon Commission
3. Poona Pact
4. Gandhi Irwin Pact
a) 2, 1, 3, 4 b) 2, 1, 4, 3
c) 4, 3, 1, 2 d) 4, 3, 2, 1

16. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?
a) Darjeeling – West Bengal
b) Mount Abu – Rajasthan
c) Kodaikanal – Tamilnadu
d) Simla – Uttar Pradesh

17. The earth is at its maximum distance from the Sun on
a) January 30th
b) December 22nd
c) September 22nd
d) July 4th

18. Consider the following pairs:
Tributary Main River
1. Chambal : Yamuna
2. Sone : Narmada
3. Manas : Brahmputra
Which one of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched?
a) 1, 2 and 3
b) 1 and 2 only
c) 2 and 3 only
d) 3 only

19. A form of condensation that reduces visibility and causes breathing problems is
a) Dew
b) Frost
c) Smog
d) Mist

20. The total population divided by available land area is reffered to as
a) Population density
b) Nutritional density
c) Agricultural density
d) Industrial density

21. Green glands are associated with
a) Reproduction
b) Excertion
c) Respiration
d) Digestion

22. During respiration, the gases enter into the blood and leave the same by the process of
a) Active transport
b) Diffusion
c) Diffusion and active transport
d) Osmosis

23. Heart is devoid of
a) Cardiac muscle
b) Involuntary muscle
c) Voluntary muscle
d) Smooth muscle

24. The soil salinty is measured by
a) Conductivity meter
b) Hygrometer
c) Psychrometer
d) Auxanometer

25. Which of the following is a fungal disease?
a) Leucoderma
b) Eczema
c) Ringworm
d) Elephantiasis

26. Chickenpox is caused by
a) DNA virus
b) Variola virus
c) Streptococcus
d) Vibrio cholera

27. Instruments can be shielded from outside magnetic effects by surrounding them with
a) Iron shield
b) Rubber shield
c) Brass shield
d) Glass shield

28. Find the odd one.
a) Marble
b) Chalk
c) Limestone
d) Slaked Lime

29. Which of the following is pseudo-force?
a) Centrepetal force
b) Centrifugal reaction force
c) Centrifugal force
d) Strong nuclear force

30. The hydraulic brake used in automobiles is a direct application of
a) Archimede’s principle
b) Torricellean law
c) Bernoulli’s Theorem
d) Pascal’s Law

31. Of the following, which is the fastest?
b) RAM
c) Registers
d) Cache

32. An alternate name for the completely interconnected network topology is
a) Mesh
b) Star
c) Tree
d) Ring

33. Amides can be converted to amines by the reaction named
a) Perkin
b) Claisen
c) Hoffman
d) Clemmensen

34. The base used as an antacid is
a) Calcium hydroxide
b) Barium hydroxide
c) Magnesium hydroxide
d) Silver hydroxide

35. A process which is not helpful in the prevention of rusting of iron is
a) annealing
b) applying grease
c) galvanising
d) painting

36. Denatured alcohol
a) is a form of alcohol
b) is unfit for drinking as it contains poisonous substances
c) contains coloured impurities
d) is sweet to tatse

37. Phenolics as pollutants can be remeoved from waste water by use of
a) Ion exchange resin technique
b) Electrolyte decomposition technique
c) Reverse osmosis method
d) Polymeric adsorbents

38. The stability of a pond ecosystem depends on
a) micro-organisms and fishes
b) micro-organisms and zoo planktons
c) fishes and reptiles
d) Producers and consumers

39. Supersonic air planes create a shock wave called
a) Transition wave
b) Ultrasound
c) Transverse wave
d) Sonic boom

40. The main factor which determines the balance of nature is
a) human activities
b) Rabit and habitat
c) environmental conditions
d) availability of food

41. The danger signals are red while the eye is more sensitive to yellow because
a) absorption in red is less than yellow and hence red is visible from a distance.
b) scattering in yellow light is less than red
c) the wavelength of red light is more than yellow light
d) none of the above reasons

42. One of the following Chief Ministers received the Highest Civilian Award “Bharat Ratna”
a) Lalu Prasad Yadav of Bihar
b) Late M.G. Ramachandran of Tamilnadu
c) Jyoti Bosu of West Bengal
d) Late N.T. Rama Rao of Andhra Pradesh

43. The first ‘disabled athelete’ to qualify for an able bodied in the 2012 London Olympics in
400 meters race is
a) Oscar Pistorius
b) Walter Rallis
c) Raymond Irchovich
d) Gerald Hangovin

44. Which one of the following film-actors has been conferred the Honorary Doctorate in Arts
and Culture by the Bedford University, London?
a) Shahrukh Khan
b) Amir Khan
c) Saif Ali Khan
d) Anil Kapoor

45. The city of Prayag was named Allahbad – the city of Allah by
a) Aurangzeb
b) Akbar
c) Shahjahan
d) Bahadur Shah Zafar

46. Spot the odd one from the following:
a) Tsunami
b) Earthquakes
c) Windmills
d) Cyclones

47. Who among the following has won the Pantaloon’s Femina Miss India World, 2012 Award?
a) Prachi Misra
b) Vanya Misra
c) Rochella Maria
d) Sandhya Agarwal

48. Which one of the following statements is not correct about India’s population as per
the 2011 census?
a) Literacy rate has gone up to 74% from 65%
b) Kerala has the highest literacy rate
c) Bihar has the lowest literacy rate
d) Men outnumber women in growth literates

49. Who advocated the adoption of ‘PURA’ model to eradicate rural poverty?
a) Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
b) Sri Abhijit Sen
c) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
d) Prof. A. M. Patha

50. Which one of the following though called a garden is infact, not a garden?
a) Vrindavan Garden of Mysore
b) Hanging Garden of Mumbai
c) Eden Garden of Kolkata
d) Shalimar Garden of Kashmir


    1. C    2. B    3. A    4. C    5. B    6. C    7. B    8. A    9. B    10. C          
11. D    12. B    13. D    14. C    15. B    16. D    17. D    18. A    19. C    20. A          
21. B    22. B    23. C    24. A    25. C    26. B    27. B    28. D    29. C    30. D          
31. C    32. A    33. C    34. C    35. A    36. B    37. A    38. B    39. D    40. C          
41. C    42. B    43. A    44. A    45. B    46. C    47. B    48. D    49. A    50. C        


1. Who will head the Jury of the Awards Committees of Padms, Ratna and other highest
honorary awards?
a) Home Minister
b) Prime Minister of India
c) President of India
d) Vice-President of India

2. Most important responsibility of a Welfare State is
a) to check exploitation
b) to check eneroachments on Fundamental Rights
c) to preserve private property
d) to promote the religion of people

3. Which of the following statements are correct?
1. Assam shares a border with Bangladesh and Bhutan.
2. West Bengal shares a border with Bhutan and Nepal.
c) Mizoram shares a border with Bangladesh and Myanmar
a) 2, 3 b) 1, 3
c) 1, 2, 3
d) 1, 2

4. Arrange the following Presidents in chronological order as to who came first and who came later:
1. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed
2. Zakir Hussain
3. Justice Hidayatullah
4. A.P.J Abdul Kalam
a) 2, 1, 3, 4
b) 2, 3, 4, 1
c) 3, 2, 1, 4
d) 2, 3, 1, 4

5. Gross Domestic Product is the monetary value of
a) goods produced for the market only
b) goods produced for the market and self consumption
c) stock of goods and services
d) all final goods and services produced in a year

6. Which one of the following market structures has a kinked demand curve?
a) Oligopoly
b) Monopolistic compitition
c) Perfect compitition
d) Monopoly

7. Which of the following pairs is not correct?
a) XI Plan - (2007 - 2012)
b) VI Plan - (1980 - 1985)
c) I Plan - (1951 - 1956)
d) III Plan - (1966 - 1971)

8. Which of the following instituions deals with credit to Agriculture and Rural Development?

9. As per the results of 2011 Population Census, which of the following groups occupies the
three top places in respect of literacy?
a) Kerala, Lakshadweep, Mizoram
b) Mizoram, Kerala, Tripura
c) Kerala, Goa, West Bengal
d) Chandigarh, Goa, Kerala

10. District Judges in a State are appointed by the
a) Governor
b) Chief Justice of High Court
c) Advocate-General of the State
d) Council of Ministers of the State

11. Which one of the following is called the ‘Crossroads to Pacific’?
a) Hawaii
b) Ellice
c) Tonga
d) Fiji

12. Which of the following is an act of man that distrubs the ecological balance?
a) Lumbering
b) Social forestry
c) Vanamohtasv
d) Afforestation

13. Which one is not correctly matched?
a) Glasgow - Great Britain
b) Pittsburg - U.S.A
c) Longcoy - Russia
d) Rhine - Germany

14.How many States in India are coastal?
a) 9
b) 10
c) 7
d) 8

15. International boundary between India and Pakistan is demaracted by
a) Redcliffe Line
b) Maginot Line
c) McMahon Line
d) Durand Line

16. Which one of the following is called the amphibian in plant kingdom?
a) Bryophyta
b) Pteridophyta
c) Algae
d) Fungi

17. Find the odd one out.
a) Tapeworm
b) Ringworm
c) Hookworm
d) Guinea worm

18. National Institute of Nutrition is a research institute located in the State of
a) Madhya Pradesh
b) Uttra Pradesh
c) Andhra Pradesh
d) Himachal Pradesh

19. Which one of the following events are chronologically correct?
a) Quit India Movement – Civil Disobedience Movement – The Cabinet Mission Plan
b) Civil Disobedience Movement – The Cabinet Mission Plan – Quit India Movement
c) Civil Disobedience Movement – Quit India Movement – The Cabinet Mission Plan
d) The Cabinet Mission Plan – Civil Disobedience Movement – Quit India Movement

20. Who founded the Vikramasila University?
a) Dharmapala
b) Mahipala
c) Dhruva
d) Devapala

21. Which of the following was not known during the Rigvedic period?
a) Varna system (Caste)
b) Marriage system
c) Joint family system
d) Agriculture

22. Match the following:
Dynasty Founder
A. Pallavas 1. Dantidurg
B. Chalukyus 2. Vishnuvardhan
C. Rashtrakutas 3. Simhavishnu
D. Hoysalas 4. Pulakisin I
a) 1 4 2 3
b) 4 3 2 1
c) 2 1 4 3
d) 3 4 1 2

23. Abul Fazl wrote
a) Akbar-Nama
b) Alamgir-Nama
c) Babar-Nama
d) Humayun-Nama

24. Which data communication method is used for sending data in both directions at the same time?
a) Half duplex
b) Full duplex
c) Super duplex
d) Simplex

25. What does the acronym ISDN stands for?
a) Intelligent Services Digital Network
b) Integrated Services Data Network
c) Indian Standard Digital Network
d) Integrated Services Digital Network

26. Darkening property of photochromatic glass is due to presence of
a) silver nitrate
b) silver chloride
c) silver bromide
d) silver oxide

27. Supersonic aircrafts discharge the following substances into the stratosphere:
a) CO2
b) H2
c) NOx
d) SOx

28. Chemical nature of laughing gas is:
a) Nitrous oxide
b) Sulphur dioxide
c) Nitric oxide
d) Hydrogen chloride
29. The difference between isotopes of an element is due to the presence of a different number of
a) electrons
b) photons
c) protons
d) neutrons

30. The increasing abundance of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has led to the following effects
a) Oxygen fertilization effect
b) Cabon dioxide fertilization effect
c) Global warming
d) Depletion of Ozone layer in the stratosphere

31. A tree’s age can be found by
a) counting the number of branches
b) no means
c) measuring its height
d) counting the number of annual rings

32. The left aortic arch is observed in
a) Reptiles
b) Aves
c) Amphibians
d) Mammals

33. Tendon connects
a) bone to muscle
b) muscle to muscle
c) bone to bone
d) muscle to bone

34. Mercury is generally used in thermometers because it has a
a) high conductivity
b) high specific heat
c) high fludity
d) high density

35. To an observer on the lunar surface during day time, the sky will appear to be
a) Orange
b) Black
c) Light Yellow
d) Blue

36. Which of the following quantities is measure of ‘inertia’?
a) Mass
b) Weight
c) Volume
d) Acceleration

37. The intensity of a wave
1. follows Inverse Square Law.
2. is proportional to its amplitude.
3. is proportional to the square of the amplitude.
a) Only 2 is true
b) 1 and 3 are true
c) 1 and 2 are true
d) 2 and 3 are true

38. In which of the following States, is the child sex-ratio the lowest as per the 2011 census?
a) Chattisgarh
b) Bihar
c) Haryana
d) Punjab

39. Kaziranga Natrional Park is situated in:
a) Rajasthan
b) Assam
c) Odisha
d) Gujarat

40. Who is the author of the book ‘If Cricket is Religion, Sachin is God’?
a) Vijai Santhanam
b) Shyam Balasubramaniam
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above

41. Which of the following statements is not correct about Sunder Lal Bahuguna?
a) He started the ‘Chipko Movement’ to create the awareness of deforestation.
b) He was elected to Lok Sabha from Uttarkashi in Uttarakhand
c) He is an eminent environmentalist.
d) He was awarded Padama Bhushan in 2009

42. The three countries, in serial order, who won the highest number of gold medals in the Beijing
Olympics Games are:
a) China, Germany, Australia
b) China, Germany, USA
c) China, USA, Russia
d) China, USA, Germany

43. The first woman from India to be conferred the Sainthood by Pope Benedict XVI is
a) Sister Alphonsa
b) Sister Nirmala
c) Sister Disouza
d) Sister Madorana

44. Which of the following fules causes minimum environmental pollution?
a) Hydrogen
b) Coal
c) Diesel
d) Kerosene

45. Minimata epidemic that caused several deaths in Japan in 1965 occurred due to pollution
in water by
a) Fluoride
b) DDT
c) Lead
d) Mercury

46. Ozone affects human health by causing severe pulmonary edema at a concentration of
a) 3.0 ppm
b) 9.0 ppm
c) 0.2 ppm
d) 0.3 ppm

47. The first President to sail in a submarine in India was
a) V.V. Giri
b) N. Sanjeeva Reddy
c) K. R. Narayanan
d) Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam

48. Cooking vessels have wooden or bakelite handles because
a) the handle must be strong
b) the handle should be attractive
c) wood and bakelite are bad conductors of heat
d) None of the above

49. ‘Deshbandhu’ is the title of
a) B.C. Pal
b) Rabindranath Tagore
c) B.R. Ambedkar
d) C.R. Das

50. Which one of the following pairs is incorrect?
a) Abhinav Bindra – Rifle Shooting
b) Sania Mirza – Badminton
c) Jeev Milkha Singh – Golf
d) Irfan Pathan – Cricket

1. A    2. B    3. C    4. D    5. D    6. B    7. D    8. D    9. A    10. A          
 11. D    12. A    13. A    14. A    15. A    16. A    17. B    18. C    19. C    20. A         
  21. D    22. D    23. A    24. B    25. D    26. B    27. C    28. A    29. D    30. A           
31. D    32. D    33. D    34. A    35. B    36. A    37. B    38. C    39. B    40. C          
 41. B    42. C    43. A    44. A    45. D    46. B    47. D    48. C    49. D    50. B       

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Scheme and Syllabus of Examination for SSC Sub Inspector (Executive) Recruitment 2012

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will conduct All India Examination for Sub Inspector (Executive) recruitment in Delhi Police on 19 August 2012. The minimum qualification needed for the same is Graduation from a recognized university or equivalent.
The examination will consist of a Written Examination, Physical Efficiency Testand Interview/ Personality Test. The written examination will consist of one objective type paper only comprising of 2 sets; Part I and Part II with deduction of 0.25 marks for each incorrect answer marked on OMR Answer Sheet. The candidate's overall performance will be judged for final recruitment. The candidates will have to undergo the following recruitment tests.
  • Written Examination

    Part I
     (200 marks, 200 questions, 10 am to 12 noon)
    Part A: General Intelligence & Reasoning (50 marks)
    Part B: General Knowledge & General Awareness (50 marks)
    Part C: Quantitative Aptitude (50 marks)
    Part D: English Comprehension (50 marks)

    b)      Part II: English Language & Comprehension (200 marks, 200 questions, 10 am to 12 noon)
  • Physical Standard Test (PST)/ Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
  • Detailed Medical Examination (DME)
  • Interview/ Personality Test

SSC Declared Result of Recruitment in Assam Rifles 2012 against unfilled posts in Deficit State /UT

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) declared result of male candidates qualified for recruitment of Constables (GD) and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles 2012 on 8 June 2012. A total of 29594 candidates have qualified for Medical Examination for recruitment against unfilled posts in deficit State /UT.
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) had conducted a Combined All India Open Examination on 22 April 2012 and will declare final result on 30 September 2012. The minimum qualification to take this exam was Matriculation or Xth class pass from a recognized board/ University.
To know the results CLICK HERE

SSC Declared Result of Recruitment in Assam Rifles 2012 for Border Districts

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) declared result of male candidates qualified for recruitment of Constables (GD) and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles 2012 on 8 June 2012. A total of 4096 candidates have qualified for Medical Examination for recruitment in Border Districts.
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) had conducted a Combined All India Open Examination on 22 April 2012 and will declare final result on 30 September 2012. The minimum qualification to take this exam was Matriculation or Xth class pass from a recognized board/ University.
To know the results CLICK HERE

Saturday, June 9, 2012

SSC Recruitment of Sub-Inspectors (Executive) in Delhi Police

Recruitment of Sub-Inspectors (Executive) in Delhi Police 2012

Staff Selection Commission will hold on19/08/2012, an All India Examination for recruitment to the following posts in Delhi Police :
  • Sub-Inspectors (Executive) in Delhi Police : 335 posts (Male-324, Female-11) (Open-260, Departmental-32, Ex-SM-32), Age : 20-25 years as on 01/08/2012, relaxation in age as per rules, Pay Scale : Rs. 9300 - 34800 grade pay Rs.420, Qualification :  Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent and (B) Male candidates must possess a valid Driving License for LMV (Motor Cycle and Car) on the date fixed for Physical Endurance & Standard Tests.
Fee: Rs. 100/-. No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women and Ex-Serviceman to be paid through State Bank of India either in the form of challan or net-banking.

How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be send to the Regional / Sub Office of the SSC depending upon the choice of the exam centre by the candidates.

Candidates can apply Online at SSC Websitehttp://ssconline.nic.in ORhttp://www.sscregistration.sifyitest.com   up to 04/0/720125.00 only for Part-I registration and up to 06/07/2012 5.00 pm for Part-II registration.

For further details, please view http://ssc.nic.in/notice/examnotice/Notice%20for%20%20DELHI%20POLICE.pdf