Sunday, July 26, 2015

General Science Practice Questions and Answers

1. A bullet hits and gets embedded in a solid block resting on a horizontal frictionless table. What is conserved’? – Momentum 
2. Which mixture is homogeneous? – Methanol and water 
3. What is formed by strong heating of potassium petmanganate? – O2 
4. Most of the digestion occur in which part of alimentory canal of man? – Small intestine 
5. What is the Branch of biology in which we study about relationship between living and their environment? – Ecology 
6. Why does a man inside an artificial satellite feels weightlessness? – Because the force of attraction due to earth is zero at that earth is 
7. Which has the longest wave length? – Infra red radiation 
8. Which plant produce seed but not fruit? – Mint 
9. When are positive ions are formed from neutral atoms? – By loss of electrons 
10. Which Bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogenous compound? – Nitrogen fixing bacteria 
43. Which fraction is obtained between temperature 150–300°C during fractional distillation of crude petroleum? – Kerosene 
44. What is the process of transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA or formation of RNA from DNA? – Transcription 
45. What is the Study of integrated use of microbiology, biochmistry and engineering? – Biotechnology 
46. If a proton is brought towards an electron from infinity, how will the potential energy of the system? – Decrease 
47. What is an example of emulsion? – Milk 
48. Which system is formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with its environment? – Ecosystem 
49. Which branch of science deals with the study of tissue found in the body of organism? – Histology 
50. In the electrolysis the amount of mass deposited or liberated at an electrode is directly proportional to which thing? – Amount of charge 
51. Activated charcoal is employed to remove colouring matter from pure substance, it work? – Adsorption 
52. Which substance is more than 80% in the cell? – Water 
53. A horizontal cable carries a current from west to east. the direction of the magnetic field produced by the current at a point vertically above the wire is which side? – North to south 
54. What is the Eosin used to detect the end point of precipitation titration by adsorption called? – Normal indicator 
55. Which branch of science that deals with the study of law is genetics for the improvement of human race? – Eugenics 
56. What is the bond between two amino acids in a protein? – Ester bond 
57. What is the Study of inter-relationships between an entire community and its environment? – Synecology 
58. Ophthalmology is the branch of science in which we study about which thing? – Eye 
59. The process of converting hydrate Al2O3 into anhydrous aluminium is known as which name? – Calcination 
60. Fluorescent tubes are fitted with a choke. What does the choke coil? – Reduces current in the circuit 
61. What is the second most common element in the universe? – Si 
62. Entamoeba histolytica is found in which part of man? – Intestine 
63. What is the maximum number of different electrical combination possible with three equal resistances? – 4 
64. Which is the compound in that oxygen shows + 2 oxidation state? – F2O 
65. The statements “Protoplasm is the physical basis of life” is given by which person? – Purkinje 
66. Purification of aluminium by electrolyte refining is known as which name? – Hoope’s process 
67. Malaria parasite and Amoeba are grouped under? – Protozoa 
68. Magnetic dipole moment is a vector quantity directed from which direction? – South to north 
69. What is France’s global ranking in terms of the number of animal species under threat? – 8 
70. Which is the largest phylum in the animal kingdom in respect of number of species? – Arthropoda 
71. A large magnet is broken into two pieces. If the lengths of two pieces are in the ratio of 3 : 4. what is the ratio of their pole strengths? – 1 : 1 
72. Van arkel method of purification of metals involves converting the metal to which compound? – Volatile compound 
73. By whom was Tetrahedral nature of bonding in carbon atom first shown? – van’t Hoff and Le-Bel 
74. Which ancestor of man for the first time began the bipedal locomotion ? – Australopithecus 
75. Which is the contractile protein muscle? – Myosin 
76. Which is the compound in that oxygen shows –1 oxidation state is? – Na2O2 
77. What is the reason of floating of the ore particles in concentration by froth floatation process? – Their being hydrophobic 
78. What is also known as green protozo? – Euglena 
79. If the electric current in a lamp decreases by 5% then the power output decreases by how many percentages? – 10% 
80. Acid rain is caused due to emission of which gases into the atmosphere? – Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur 
81. Which naturally occurring element in the rice husk makes it termite resistant? – Silicon 
82. Which quantity remains constant in a step-down transformer? – Power 
83. In the extraction of zinc the formation of blue flame is due to the burning of which gas? – CO 
84. What number of essential amino acid is found in man? – 20 
85. Which of the following potassium compounds is known as ‘Pearl ash’? – K2CO3 
86. By which is the amount of light entering into the eye controlled? – Iris 
87. Over the last 100 years global sea level has risen by about howmany cm? – 10-12. 5 cm 
88. Whose statement is this? “Algebraic sum of the current meeting at a node is zero”– – Kirchhoff’s law 
89. What is formed when white phosphorus is heated at 540 K in the absence of air? – Red phosphorus 
90. Which tissue help in keeping the body warm? – Fatty tissue 
91. A particle of mass m and charge q travels from rest through a potential difference V. What is its final energy? – qV 
92. Why are elements of group I known as alkali metals? – Their oxides are alkaline 
93. In which organ carbohydrate is stored as glycogen? – Liver 
94. Which particle has the longest de Broglie wavelength if they are moving with same velocity ? – â-particle 
95. Which pollutant is main product of automobile exhaust? – NO 
96. If all plant of the world die than why will all animal ultimately die? – Due to Lack of oxygen 
97. Why does Coagulation of blood not occur inside human body? – Due to presence of Heparin 
98. Which oxide is amphoteric in nature? – SnO2 
99. In methane molecule how are the four hydrogen atoms arranged? – As tetrahedral 
100. What is an association of individuals of different species living in the same habitat and having functional interactions? – Biotic community 

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