Sunday, July 26, 2015

General Science Practice Questions

1. A particle is executing S.H.M. Then what is the graph of acceleration as a function of displacement? – Hyperbola 
2. An atom has 7 electrons in its M-shell and contains 18 neutrons in its nucleus. What is its mass number? – 35 
3. The medicine ephedrin used in the treatment of cough, asthma and bronchitis, from where is obtained? – Ephedra 
4. By whom was the concept of dual nature of radiation proposed? – de-Broglie 
5. In a bisexual flower if androcium and gynoecium mature at different time the phenomenon is known as which name? – Dichogamy 
6. A small drop falls from rest from a large height h in air. What is the final velocity? – Almost independent of h 
7. Why does Molten sodium chloride conduct electricity? – Due to the presence of free ions 
8. Which modification of root does not store food? – Stilt 
9. The total energy of a particle vibrating in S.H.M. is proportional to which thing? –The square of its Amplitude
10. A body rolling freely on the surface of the earth eventually comes, why does it to rest? – Because it suffers friction

59. What is systolic and diastolic pressure in a healthy man? – 120 mm and 80 mm 
60. The refractive index of a piece of transparent quartz is the greatest for which light? – Violet light 
61. Which part of human brain is the regulating centre for swallowing and vomating? – Medulla oblangata 
62. By which Carbon and hydrogen are estimated in organic compounds? – Liebig’s method 
63. If the refractive angle of a prism is 60° and the minimum deviation is 30°, then the angle of incidence is how many degrees? – 45° 
64. What is present both in plant and animal? – Plasma membrane  
65. What does mixture of CS2 and H2S on passing over heated copper give? – Methane 
66. If the rotational velocity of a dynamo armature is doubled, what will then the induced emf? – Become double 
67. Which is used in storage batteries? – Lead 
68. What is the name of the poisonous gas formed by the interaction of acetylene and arsenic trichloride? – Lewisite 
69. Which tissue take part in healing the wounds? – Epithelium tissue 
70. When a body is earth connected, electrons from the earth flow into the body. What is its mean? –This means the body is Charged positively 
71. Acetylene is used as an anaesthetic under which name? – Narcylene 
72. In daily requirement basis which vitamin is required in largest quantity by the human body? – Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) 
73. When does not No current flows between two charged bodies? – If they have same potential 
74. Denatured spirit is a mixture of ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol and which other thing? – Pyridine 
75. Consumption of fish is considered to be healthy compared to flesh of other animals why? – Because it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids 
76. What is the reason for excessive solubility of ethyl alcohol in water? – Due to hydrogen bonding with water 
77. Through which are the characters are transferred from parents to progeny? – DNA 
78. A radioactive substance has a half life of 4 months. In how many months will three fourths of the substance will decays? – 8 months 
79. The cause of fractional atomic weights of elements? – The presence of Isotopes  
80. Which gas, is used for artificial ripening of fruit? – C2H4 
81. Which branch of biology deal with the study of heredity? – Genetics 
82. The maximum number of photo electrons released in photocell is independent of which thing? – Frequency 
83. A fruity smell is produced by the reaction of C2H5OH with which formula? – CH3COOH 
84. By which can Evolutionary development of a species be best studied? – Studying fossils of this species 
85. What is the process by which vegetable ghee is manufactured? – Hydrogenation 
86. Early atmosphere contained methane and other hydrocarbons they have been now replaced by which gas? – Carbon dioxide 
87. For an electric dipole, how are the field at a point on the equatorial line and the dipole moment? – In opposite direction 
88. Crop sown soon after the onset of south-west monsoon in India, what is this called? – Kharif 
89. Thermal decomposition of alkanes is known as which name? – Cracking 
90. If a diamagnetic substance is brought near north and south pole of a oar magnet, what will be then? – It is Repelled by poles 
91. What is a glass sided tank, bowl in which aquatic animals live? – Aquarium 
92. Deficiency of which vitamin causes xerophthalmia? – Vitamin A 
93. If a wire of resistivity p is stretched to double its length, then what will change in its new resistivity? – Not change 
94. Cathode rays enter an electric field normal to the lines of force. Then how is their path in the electric field is– – Parabola 
95. The word “biodiversity” is a combination of which two words? – Biology and diversity 
96. Which thing is the sweetest natural sugar? – Lactose 
97. Jaundice in human beings affects which of the body part? – Liver 
98. How many orangutans disappear each year as result of palm oil farming? – 5000 
99. The sky wave propagation is suitable for radio waves of frequency form how many MHz? – From 2 MHz to 30 MHz 
100. Which is considered a hot-spot of biodiversity in India? – Western Ghats 

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